Luke Scull
Luke Scull
16 subscribers
292.16 of $ 293 money raised
This money will pay for the remaining creature assets needed for Doom of Icewind Dale.
1 168.63 of $ 1 169 money raised
This money will ensure the full Russian translation of Doom of Icewind Dale is prioritised.

Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand on Kickstarter

Hi all,
I'm afraid there's still no update on the release date for Doom of Icewind Dale - I'll be chasing the interested parties shortly and I hope to have some news to share in the near future. I am very sorry for the delay. As mentioned in an earlier post, I'll be making the OST freely available to download to subscribers by way of apology. Expect this in the next few days!
Some of you might be aware that I've been working on a Pathfinder CRPG with Ossian Studios, who developed the Neverwinter Nights module Darkness of Daggerford and Tyrants of the Moonsea. We've just launched the Kickstarter for Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand, a 30+ hour, turn-based RPG using Pathfinder 2nd edition rules and a brand new miniature-based art style. We've taken a lot of cues from Neverwinter Nights as well as Baldur's Gate 3, and we're confident it will be a deep and immersive RPG experience. I'd be incredibly grateful if you would check out the Kickstarter below and consider backing us! :)

Subscription levels


$ 2,34 per month
Official supporter status. You gain access to my exclusive posts as well as receiving my eternal gratitude!


$ 5,9 per month
You get an exclusive sneak peak at the new assets added in each chapter of The Blades of Netheril! Check out the new art, music, and other features here as I receive them and post them up. You are also cordially invited to join The Blades of Netheril Discord channel where I will be on hand to answer questions, offer advice, or just enjoy a chat!


$ 11,7 per month
You will receive exclusive access to beta versions of each chapter 4-6 weeks before they become available to the public. You can offer opinions, report bugs, or otherwise just enjoy each instalment of the epic campaign before everyone else!

Mind Flayer

$ 29,3 per month
You can submit either an item or a minor NPC to be included in each chapter of The Blades of Netheril. I will work with you to ensure they fit the design of the module. 
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