creator cover Lizard Of Oz

Lizard Of Oz

Game Discussion Videos, Mods and Videogames
Lizard Of Oz

About the creator

Hi. I talk about games and game design, make mods, and maybe even standalone games in the future. 
День добрый. Я обсуждаю геймдизайн, делаю моды, а когда-нибудь может быть даже и самостоятельные видеоигры.
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Starting my map from Square 1

Less than 2 months until the deadline (Which is April 30th/May 1st) I have had to scrap my map and start from scratch...
But be not afraid! There are two already finished maps for VSH-VScript, with 2 more (counting mine) hopefully coming as well.
This is how my map looked like:
The reason? It was too big, too open and the path flow wasn't that great. Basically, it didn't follow the rule "Make your VSH map like it's a Doom Eternal arena" from my own VSH Mapping Guidelines

Subscription levels

Supporter Tier 1

$ 1,07 per month
With enough supporters, I'll be able to go part- or even full-time on making videos, mods for games and maybe even my own games.
I'll figure out the supporter perks as we go forward.
С достаточным числом Supporter'ов, я смогу уделять больше и больше времени на видео, моды и возможно даже самостоятельные игры.
Конкретные награды сообразим по ходу дела.

Supporter Tier 2

$ 2,13 per month
With enough supporters, I'll be able to go part- or even full-time on making videos, mods for games and maybe even my own games.
I'll figure out the supporter perks as we go forward.
С достаточным числом Supporter'ов, я смогу уделять больше и больше времени на видео, моды и возможно даже самостоятельные игры.
Конкретные награды сообразим по ходу дела.

Supporter Tier 3

$ 5,4 per month
With enough supporters, I'll be able to go part- or even full-time on making videos, mods for games and maybe even my own games.
I'll figure out the supporter perks as we go forward.
С достаточным числом Supporter'ов, я смогу уделять больше и больше времени на видео, моды и возможно даже самостоятельные игры.
Конкретные награды сообразим по ходу дела.
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