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У меня 3 проекта к маю: 72 сети, ремонт класса в школе №7, включая новые парты и стулья, а также рисполепт мальчику-аутисту, без него ему плохо очень.

Oct 15, 2024: João on Zvezda, we just returned from Donbass

João Quaresma is a unique case. A worker, not a journalist, he cares so much that he went to Donbass to see the truth to talk to people and to bring his account back home. Zvezda was the first to invite him to speak about it and to find out WHY. 
João's links:

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$ 53 per month
Paid subscription for those who would like to donate to my cause on a regular basis. Your generosity of spirit will never sease to humble me.
Thank you.
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