creator cover Lelyanova


Translator, volunteer, cat whisperer =)
510.56 of $ 2 233 money raised
У меня 3 проекта к маю: 72 сети, ремонт класса в школе №7, включая новые парты и стулья, а также рисполепт мальчику-аутисту, без него ему плохо очень.

About the creator

It is personal. What i care about.
Translations, Donbass, life (mostly cats, let's be honest).
Thank you for your time and attention. I will try to keep it hopefully interesting and fun =)
Личное. То, что я считаю важным.
Переводы, Донбасс, жизнь (тут в основном про котов, будем честны).
Спасибо за внимание и уделённое время. Я постараюсь, чтобы было интересно и весело =)
🙏🏻 https://t.me/MashaLelyanova
For my one subscriber =))
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Interview with Roger Waters

Miracles happen.
Roger Waters gave interview to Faina Savenkova. I had an honour to translate this conversation. I still find it hard to fathom.
He is honest, passionate, at the same time idealistic and almost cynical, vulnerable and so strong, he is wise and kind (as wisdom always brings kindness) caring, and very sincere.
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Wonderful tearful grateful
Mary Ellen Grossmann, thank you!!! He is a great man, indeed a true Legend!

June 2024: part two of the report =)

This is the second part of the video report for the june trip.
We made it to Lugansk, Lisichansk, Donetsk, Mariupol, Genichesk in Kherson region.
This particular part covers the first (Lugansk) and the last (Genichesk) delivery.
Thank you for watching! =)

Karelian help to our soldiers.

Story of Nadezhda, a mother, whose son went to SMO. She could not stay away and arranged the production of masking nets in her town in Karelia.
They weave, we deliver!
June, 2024.

My little collection =)

This is a small booklet i hand-made for the shevrons that sometimes guys give me as a thank you for the stuff i bring. I never ask for them, i only take them if they offer. So my collection is not huge, but then, there's no objective to have the biggest one. Every shevron is a gift as an exchange for a gift, they are symbols of how we are all tied in this together.

May 2024: Part 1 - Delivering Stuff to Our Heroes

5-11 May, 2024: This is the 1st part of the video report from the May trip.
We brought 90 camouflage nets, generators, armor vests, and some other useful stuff to four different units located in different areas of Donbass from Lisichansk to Volnovakha.
Huge thank you to all the people who helped financially and physically to make it happen!
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Subscription levels

Paid subscription (OMG)

$ 56 per month
Paid subscription for those who would like to donate to my cause on a regular basis. Your generosity of spirit will never sease to humble me.
Thank you.
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