4 subscribers
510.56 of $ 2 233 money raised
У меня 3 проекта к маю: 72 сети, ремонт класса в школе №7, включая новые парты и стулья, а также рисполепт мальчику-аутисту, без него ему плохо очень.

My little collection =)

This is a small booklet i hand-made for the shevrons that sometimes guys give me as a thank you for the stuff i bring. I never ask for them, i only take them if they offer. So my collection is not huge, but then, there's no objective to have the biggest one. Every shevron is a gift as an exchange for a gift, they are symbols of how we are all tied in this together.

Subscription levels

Paid subscription (OMG)

$ 56 per month
Paid subscription for those who would like to donate to my cause on a regular basis. Your generosity of spirit will never sease to humble me.
Thank you.
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