Irina Lutsenko
Irina Lutsenko
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I want to write more.

📝 Some language for this unusual IELTS Writing Task 1 📝

This very real IELTS Writing Task 1 might look unusual, but it is not too challenging (at least not as challenging as the tasks about cutting tools or altitudinal belts).
Here is some language that might come in handy:
1️⃣ "Suggestions":
- measures
- ideas
- recommendations
- views
2️⃣ Verbs:
- suggest, recommend, view, perceive, deem, consider
"Some ideas were perceived / viewed differently in terms of their effectiveness."
3️⃣ Ranking, importance:
- deemed / considered it the top priority
- viewed it as less important
- placed it last
- ranked first / third / last
- perceived it to be the most / least important suggestion
What else? Share in the comments. 📝
PS: My full answer is available to those with Boosty subscription. 
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