Irina Lutsenko
Irina Lutsenko
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"Percentage" in IELTS Writing Task 1

"Is there a universal way to substitute the word "percentage"?" A student asked. It's a great question.
I'll tell you right off the bat: "ratio" is not it. Please look this word up and never use it.
Before I give some ways, one important caveat: the more universal the way is, the less valuable it is.
1️⃣ The most universal words: figure, proportion, share ("share" is for situations when the percentages add up to 100%).
2️⃣ Words that depend on the task: rate, level, growth.
3️⃣ Reference and substitution: it, that, former/latter (use depends on the sentence structures and the previous sentence).
4️⃣ Some subjects and sentence structures will allow you to avoid the word "percentage" or its synonym entirely. For example, "Wales recorded an increase of 20%."
5️⃣ You can make the actual figure the subject and use a verb that suits the meaning. For example, "Approximately 10% of the workforce have a phd," or "Almost a quarter of the respondents prefer tea to coffee."
The ways that depend on the task and the sentence structures require more skill and are therefore more valuable. Universal ways require little skill and are therefore less valuable.
Any other ways? Share in the comments. 📝

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