Irina Lutsenko
Irina Lutsenko
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Lexical Resource for "workers with illness absence"

Here are some lexical items that will enrich your IELTS answer for this task.
📝 Workers:
- Employees
- Workforce
- People
- Those
Please don't go into ridiculous directions, like "laborer" or "colleague."
📝 Illness absence:
- Take sick leave
- Be absent from work (+ reason)
- Stay home / take time off work / miss work (+ reason)
- (the verbs above) + due to illness / when sick / for a health-related reason / during sickness.
📝 The word absenteeism, btw, is wrong because it implies absence for no good reason. Yet, curiously, there is sickness absenteeism, which is a lexical item you can use instead.
Anything else? Share in the comments. 📝
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