Anya iChios
Anya iChios
168 subscribers

December Rewards are sent ♥ Check your BOOSTY MESSAGES!

I hope your start of the Year is full of joy and new perspectives!
And today I want to teaser one of January professional photoshoots ♥
Maybe you want to see your FAV characters in this January? Write them down in comments! ↓
Ляяяя, милая Цирииии 😍🥰💖
Александр Андреев, ага :)
Hi Anya, I have not received December rewards in my notifications LoudlyFace
Philip gaines, I see you writing from another account! I send message to account what was in my pay list with your name on it! If you don't have access to your old account for now, please write message to me ♥

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