creator cover GbHappiness


Developer of the game "The Seam"
0 of $ 116 money raised
I will begin to consider my hobby as a job.

About the creator

I am the developer of the game "The Seam".
It is absolutely free, but if you like it, then you can support me here financially. It gives me a huge boost in motivation and also encourages my lazy ass to keep working because of the increased responsibility.
If you want to know what kind of person I am you can just click here.
The game is only for adults, so if you suddenly need to pack a school bag for tomorrow, then come here later.

Version 0.1.2b

This version contains only content from the previous one (there is NO new content).
The new version is dedicated to the updated interface:
- The interface has become more streamlined and convenient.
- Now it is possible to understand how much time is left before the phase of the day changes.The inventory has become minimalistic and more compact.
- Added a system of tasks and tips. With its help, you can find out what events are available, at what time they can be activated, where exactly they are activated and what is required for this.
- Added relationship menu. There you can see the parameters of the characters and see brief information about them. Character profiles can be changed depending on your progress in the game.
- Increased the chance of items appearing on the street and on the lake (up to 60% every new day instead of 40%).
- Fixed some bugs that could "break" the game.
- I am sure that new bugs have been added that can “break” the game. 
- Also I want to ask you to report if there are any wrong hints or smth like that.
- It is highly recommended to start the game from the beginning, or load a save before the interface appears, otherwise errors may occur. (Conversation with Sara in the hall after the first night)
You can test it now: https://goodbyehappiness.itch.io/the-seam

Two words about progress

Hi all!
The code for the quest menu has been completed and, most surprisingly, it works correctly. What this menu will look like:
- Visual display of the number of quests that are not yet available, completed quests and those available for completion.
- The ability to click on an available quest of interest and find out at what time and place it begins, what conditions must be met to start it (for example, the amount of resources).
- Available quests are always at the top, and completed ones are at the bottom.
For some time now I will be busy filling this menu with all the quests already available in the game, then I will work on the relationship menu.

New inventory system.

Through hard work with my brain, I admit that the inventory is crap. It's time to make a new one, more beautiful, interactive and convenient. Actually, I've already done it.
Next step is to remove arrow-moving system.

Version 0.1.2

Good afternoon, person who came here by chance!
I updated the game to version 0.1.2. Here is the list of changes:
– The event where the game stopped in the previous version has ended.
– New location added (clinic)
– New H-scene added (sex with Zoya)
– New night event with Sara
– New evening event with Sara
– New sub-location added (Sara’s room)
– Rearrangement in the order of completing quests. (For Eliza to return to the palace, you must complete the quest with the bed for Sara)
– Fixed some bugs
– Added some new bugs (of course)  
You can test it now: https://goodbyehappiness.itch.io/the-seam
Join to my Discord: https://discord.gg/msEwKF9c

Just saying "Hi!"

Warming up my hands before continuing the development of the update👀

The first release

This is the first post on this channel where I'd like to welcome everyone who somehow ended up here.
I am developing a game on my own in my free time from the obligations of this life.
If you like what I'm doing, consider following me on itch.io or on Boosty. I don't ask to follow me with only paid subscriptions; the game won't have any additional paid content. A paid subscription is certainly appreciated by me, but it's entirely up to you.
I plan to release updates as new content is created. I'll try to release updates every time I have at least 2 hours of gameplay ready.
Plans for the next update:
- Finish the event with Eliza, where the previous version stopped.
- 2 new characters.
- H-content.
- Put more focus on developing existing content rather than the main plot.
- Add an affection menu and personal progress.
I'm not very verbose (seriously, have you seen your game, lol?), so at the moment, I honestly don't know what else to tell you. Join my Discord; the more of us, the merrier (probably). There you can directly ask me questions if you have any.
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Subscription levels

Beer for Jeff

$ 1,16 per month
Light, but extremely invigorating support for the author. I promise to allocate this money for beer for Jeff.
You will get:
- Unique role in my Discord server.
- A candle in the church for you (One for all of you).
+ chat

More beer for Jeff

$ 2,32 per month
More beer for Jeff. I think he will be happy for some time.
You will get:
- Unique role in my Discord server with some more privileges;
- A candle in the church for you and for the health of your loved ones (One for all of you).
- Voting power;
+ chat

Beer Day. Maybe even a week...

$ 5,8 per month
Trust me, I don't really drink beer. This is for Jeff, otherwise he wouldn't agree to cooperate with me.
You will get:
- Unique role in my Discord server with more privileges.
- Increased voting power;
- A bigger(x2) one candle in the church for you and for the health of your loved ones (One for all of you).
- Mentioning your nickname in the game.
+ chat


$ 11,6 per month
Maybe I’ll take one bottle after all. Of cola, of course I mean a cola.
You will get:
- Unique role in my Discord server with max privileges.
- Strongly increased voting power;
- A personal big candle for each of you with your nickname carved on it (With photos).
- Mentioning your nickname in the game.
+ chat
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