53 subscribers
7 of 250 paid subscribers
A certain degree of free time to focus on various Gabi-centric projects in the physical world... thay may or may not involve printing and shipping...

Gabital 16: Partnership

Partnership is a form of business arrangement where two or more parties share its ownership and management, taking equal responsibility for the profits and expenses of the business.
made an account to follow Gabinomics
what's her room/housemates name? They look like the best business partners I've ever seen
Darkened Shadow, Nice to see you here with us!
That's Falke, and she does seem interested in partnership indeed^^

Subscription levels


$ 3,2 per month
Please do note that our subsctiptions are here only to support the team.
There will be no extra comic content available to ANY tiers of subscription.
Gabi believes in distributing surplus labor for free^^

Fellow Laborer

$ 7,4 per month

Empathetic Capitalist

$ 10,6 per month

Suspicious Socialist

$ 21,1 per month
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