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Decision: Red Daze version 1.3.4(1)

We're thrilled to announce a major update for Decision: Red Daze - 1.3.4(1)! 
We've listened to your feedback and implemented many improvements and bug fixes. 👍
Check out the full list of changes between version 1.3.3(4) and version 1.3.4(1) ↓
1 - QOL         
     1.1 - Fixed a bug where the loading screen would freeze when switching to another character via the team window when the player already has large squads.
     1.2 - Removed unit collision. Hard physical clashes between units have been disabled. This softens the behavior of all units in peacetime and makes combat more comfortable and enjoyable. It also avoids the player from getting stuck on other characters.
     1.3 - Fixed a bug with clearing a loaded save slot after starting a new game from the config.
     1.4 - The small repeller at the merchant base now always works correctly, regardless of player-owned repellers.
     1.5 - All possible names from the name pool have been added to the customization window at the start of the game for choosing.
     1.6 - The auto-equip mechanic has been slightly improved. Now the character will not take ammo if he doesn't have a ranged weapon.
     1.7 - Added the ability to change weapons while reloading or shooting.
     1.8 - Removed the animation of the player lying down on the bed when the overnight window is opened. Now, the character does not require extra time to stand up after closing the window.
2 - GUI          
     2.1 - Now when hiding the HUD, all hidden elements will not be active and will become inaccessible to the cursor.
     2.2 - Fixed a bug that made it impossible to create a squad near the end of the game. Now the option to create a squad is always displayed in the dialog.
     2.3 - The progress bar has been fixed from level one to level two. Now, it correctly takes into account your current stats.
     2.4 - Fixed the functionality of the gun hotkey while in a turret as a shooter. This key now allows you to exit the turret. The default hotkey is [1]
     2.5 - Fixed weapon cells not closing on the main screen when selecting another weapon.
     2.6 - The narrow panel with control prompts at the beginning of the game now doesn't disappear after the game loads until control tasks are completed.
     2.7 - Fixed display of skill changes when changing the hat in the inventory window.
     2.8 - Fixed updating of resolution information in the config window. Now the resolution information is updated immediately.
     2.9 - Fixed displaying an extra "Sleep required" message that was staying from the previous character after switching control.
     2.10 - Fixed a bug with the message "The enemy squad has been destroyed" appearing after exiting to the main menu.
3 - Behavior   
     3.1 - Fixed a bug that caused extra settlers to become stuck and repeatedly try to enter the tower in a loop.
     3.2 - Improved the behavior of shooters in large towers. They now shoot more frequently and are not idle during sieges.
     3.3 - Fixed the behavior of settlers using ranged weapons. Now they do not run close to the enemy.
     3.4 - Fixed behavior where NPC’s would change their position very often during peacetime.
     3.5 - Fixed a bug where enemies would respawn in the wasteland when the player switched to another character in a remote settlement.
     3.6 - Fixed a bug that was causing enemies to respawn in the wasteland during the day.
     3.7 - Fixed the behavior of allies when running away from a crowd of enemies. Retreating now uses correct terrain navigation.
     3.8 - Fixed incorrect number of enemies in the zone when capturing some settlements.
     3.9 - Fixed a rare bug where the squad would split into different settlements after loading the game.
     3.10 - Fixed a bug that could cause squad members to automatically take gear from the shared inventory after restocking.
     3.11 - Fixed a bug that caused fast travel to not work for all members of a player's party. Now everyone who follows the player will fast travel with him.
     3.12 - A check has been added to ally behavior to disable the desire to enter the red zone.
     3.13 - Removed the desire for allies to attack enemies in the red zone.
     3.14 - Fixed behavior where mercenaries would run away from the player for a long distance and come back again.
     3.15 - Mercenaries no longer take damage from friendly mines when they explode.
     3.16 - Fixed an incorrect turn towards an object that occasionally occurred during interactions.
     3.17 - Improved conversation behavior during a dialog. Now the interlocutor will have less chance to interrupt the dialog.
     3.18 - Fixed behavior of arrows when shooting near environment objects. Now arrows collide with the environment less often.
     3.19 - Fixed frequent aggressive shouting of enemies in combat.
4 - Balance     
     4.1 - Fixed the squad cell count depending on the leader's charisma. Now it takes 83 charisma for six squad cells.
     4.2 - Fixed a bug that made it possible to assemble a squad of 8 people. Now the maximum squad consists of only 7 people, as intended by the game rules.
     4.3 - The weapon skill growth system has been improved. Now the skill growth rate is approximately the same for all weapons of the same category. For example, miniguns give less skill for one shot, and rocket launchers give more skill for one shot.
     4.4 - Items with a negative effect now correctly reduce the player's stats if the condition for using the item is not fulfilled.
     4.5 - Fixed a bug that allowed players to find high-level equipment early in the game during replays.
     4.6 - The algorithm of appearance of more powerful items in the game has been improved. Now the chance to get a powerful item at the beginning of the game is less.
     4.7 - Increased the debuff of item parameters when lacking the required skills. Weapons will now do even less damage if they lack the required skills.
     4.8 - Slightly increased reload speed of the Flamethrower "Dragonfly", Machine gun "Vulcan" and Turret gun "Bagel-B".
     4.9 - Increased damage of turret guns "Ronnie-M", "Bagel-B", "Caesar-G" and "Kate-T".
     4.10 - Adjusted damage for turret weapons. Some weapons became stronger and some weaker to improve balance.
     4.11 - "Caesar-G" and "Kate-T" turret guns have reduced reload times.
     4.12 - Hammer "Sledge" damage has been increased.
     4.13 - The damage of the pistol "Hawk" has been increased.
     4.14 - Reduced fire power from arrows, flame throwers and Molotov cocktails.
     4.15 - The number of enemies has been halved, but their health has increased proportionally. The power balance is almost unchanged, but optimization and game experience have improved.
     4.16 - Reduced the amount of health for all enemies on high difficulty levels.
     4.17 - Reduced damage to all enemies on high difficulty levels.
     4.18 - Slightly reduced the number of enemies on higher difficulty levels.
     4.19 - Increased the chance of loot appearing in the enemies' bodies to balance the reduction of their numbers without losing resource balance.
     4.20 - Reducing the relative health of high-level mutants and werewolves.
     4.21 - Fixed the jump distance of werewolves and dogs. Now their jumps are not so long and they jump at the correct distance.
     4.22 - The health regeneration rate for bosses has been significantly reduced. 
     4.23 - Fixed the attack area for bosses, so they now hit their enemies more frequently.
     4.24 - Adjusted the amount and quality of rewards dropped by bosses.
     4.25 - Fixed loot restores in ATMs after overnight or loading the game.
     4.26 - Improved the efficiency of loot extraction when using a search party in a shelter.
     4.27 - Fixed stashes updating after day change. Now the loot is not respawned.
     4.28 - Fixed incorrect character experience boost on levels 5 to 7.
     4.29 - Removed the constant updating of the merchant's assortment during the day if the player moves a long distance away from the merchant and back again.
     4.30 - Mercenaries are now almost never tired or in need of sleep.
     4.31 - Mercenaries and mentors now have an infinite supply of first aid kits and food.
     4.32 - Added the ability to craft some types of armor in the workshop: Shoulder pad "Commoner", Flak jacket "Officer", Armor vest "Private"
     4.33 - Increased the maximum workshop level to 3 in the Miriden city.
5 - Visual
     5.1 - Optimized the effects of Molotov cocktail explosions.
     5.2 - Optimized flamethrower fire effects.
     5.3 - Fixed rotation of generation of some items in explosion effects.  
     5.4 - Improved lighting for daytime explosions. Now the effects of explosions and missiles are not over lit during daytime.
     5.5 - Reduced smoke show time after explosion effects.
     5.6 - Fixed the appearance of extra frames of animation at the beginning of a run with a two-handed weapon, which caused a sharp jerk in the weapon.
     5.7 - Fixed incorrect character direction during stair climbing animation on large towers.
     5.8 - Fixed unsightly transitions between some character animations.
     5.9 - Fixed turret gunner animation. Now the gunner holds the turret weapon correctly at different rotation angles.
     5.10 - Reduced screen shrinkage during large explosions and player damage.
     5.11 - Increased the number of simultaneously loaded objects at high FPS.
     5.12 - Night lights on city streets are now switched on after capturing the settlement.
     5.13 - Fixed the lack of white dots on the minimap on the bodies of enemies with loot.
     6 - Optimization has been improved and the game now produces more stable frames per second (FPS).
     7 - Other fixes, improvements and changes.
We hope you enjoy the changes, and your time exploring the Dust Bowl!
Join us, share your experiences and find out the answers to your questions:
Discord → FlyAnvil (Developer)
■ Regards, FlyAnvil team     

Subscription levels


$ 1,59 per month
 Karma +50 ★
 In-game Character Name


$ 4,3 per month
 Karma +100 ★★★
 Name in the Credits 
 + Survivour Bonus ↑


$ 8 per month
 Karma +200 ★★★★★
 In-game Character Icon
 + Merc Bonus ↑
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