★ When we get 600 paid subscribers, we'll start working on a new Decision: Medieval! 👍
123.55 of $ 31 821 money raised
💰 To create Decision: Medieval!
It will be a sequel or remaster in a modern format - exactly what you want! ✌
About the creator
★ Now we want to raise funds with the help of all fans to develop a new Decision: Medieval. If you are willing to sponsor development, we would be very grateful for your help. We are ready to listen to your ideas and wishes for this project! 👍
■ FlyAnvil is an independent game development team. Our main core of the development team currently consists of two brothers who are childhood fans of computer-based gaming. One is the Lead Programmer and the other works as the Lead Artist.
We are a pair of hard-working and committed independent game developers who form the game development company known as FlyAnvil. As the sole developers of FlyAnvil, we are responsible for the software code, visual content, art, sound, and design that goes into all of our projects.
At the beginning of our creative career, we used to create small flash games that could be played for free on all the relevant gaming portals. We have been developing games since 2009 and have made it Furthermore, the Decision Series has been given many awards for its continually remaining a highly rated game.