If a man and a woman switched places [sketch]
I'm not sure how common it is in your country, but in Russia, popular comedy shows often make jokes about gender stereotypes.
This clip depicts a hypothetical scenario in which a man and a woman exchange roles in a situation where they have to go shopping. Typically, it's women who drag men to stores and barrage them with questions about what to buy, what suits them best, and so on. Usually, it involves items that men are not particularly interested in. And women get annoyed when a man isn't attentive enough to their looks. Here, we have a completely contrasting situation.
избегать/избежать - to avoid
Юлёк - a diminutive of Юлия (Julia)
зимняя шина - winter tyre
плевать - to spit; мне плевать - I don't care, тебе плевать - you don't care, etc.
дурак - fool
зарабатывать деньги - to earn money
мелочный - petty