21 subscribers
2 of 20 paid subscribers
To continue developing stories
0 of $ 297 money raised
To make another free version of my games (My New Daughter's Lover this time).

Welcome Again!

Hello, after looking at the alternatives, I've found the best solution to continue with game development, and is use this site to get donations/subscriptions, but
also I've open two Telegram groups, https://t.me/derketogamesfollowers is a public group where I will share info about game development (along additional content), and a private group for the new games releases/updates. That group will be available after you connect a boosty account to you Telegram one.
Note: The last patreon game is already available there, along some of my previous galleries, the rest will be added gradually, and new content will be available too.
·Derketo's Lewd Housemates, Halloween Special:
Game should be available in a couple of ours on my itch.io profile, the good part is It will be free to download; a special thanks to all the guys that support me in the making of the game.
Also I'm preparing a sequel/spinoff for the next year, so stay aware.
· My New Daughter's Lover:
A new game version should be out this year, If weren't by this game, maybe I will be out of development already,but as this story is the best I'm currently have, I will make a last try with it, even when I will be working with 0 fundings from now on, but I'll try to mantain game quality (as I always do).
· The rest of the projects:
The dumb censorship that is present on most of the US sites (I think is because all the publishing sites are located on California) have made things difficult for me, making the most affected game no other than the Fawn one, that is called "My Life as Internet Girl" (often I've abreviated it as MLaIG), restrictions are come from the game name itselt, it was called "My Life as Idiot Girl" (MLaIG) but I was forced to change it, later I have to drop it on the itch.io shadowban and lastly Patreon deleted my account because of it again (even when no new game content is on the site), I think is because she's redhead; the other one is:
Project NBR, after the game was leaked outside of Patreon, they started to restrict game posts by fake claims, so I leave the project on a side, but after I get more support, I will continue with the game, as it was originally done as a replacement for the "Derketo's Lewd Housemates", and now that is completed and I'm no longer on Patreon, the game can go back to development.
That's all, hope you can support me again on the third phase of development, see you later!.

Subscription levels

Fawn Master

$ 10,7 per month
As Fawn Master, the entry supporter level:
· Access to most of the restricted posts.
· Access to Private Telegram group.
· Game releases/updates on launch day (through Telegram).
+ chat

Miranda's Lover

$ 21,4 per month
Miranda's Lover, mainly for the guys that want to give me even more help, you have the same bennefits of the previous level:
· Access to most of the restricted posts.
· Access to Private Telegram group.
· Game releases/updates on launch day (on TG).
And the special bennefit of this level is the following:
· Miranda's Lover Title
This means that your name will be mentioned by her (on a special picture) at the end of the next game release.
+ chat
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