21 subscribers
2 of 20 paid subscribers
To continue developing stories
0 of $ 297 money raised
To make another free version of my games (My New Daughter's Lover this time).

Project NBR (alpha) v0.012

The game is available already available on the public telegram:
This don't count as a "full" release as just feature very small content than v0.011 (the free Patreon release), but I leave it there in case you didn't know the game or want to play it again.
I plan to release the real v0.1 earlier next year, on our vip telegram group (subscribers only),

Subscription levels

Fawn Master

$ 10,7 per month
As Fawn Master, the entry supporter level:
· Access to most of the restricted posts.
· Access to Private Telegram group.
· Game releases/updates on launch day (through Telegram).
+ chat

Miranda's Lover

$ 21,4 per month
Miranda's Lover, mainly for the guys that want to give me even more help, you have the same bennefits of the previous level:
· Access to most of the restricted posts.
· Access to Private Telegram group.
· Game releases/updates on launch day (on TG).
And the special bennefit of this level is the following:
· Miranda's Lover Title
This means that your name will be mentioned by her (on a special picture) at the end of the next game release.
+ chat
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