Creatures and Magic: Sparks of the source
Creatures and Magic: Sparks of the source
13 подписчиков
0 из $ 313 собрано
Assets that I have already paid for! Help to compensate for the monetary costs! Assets are very necessary for game development
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For new PC 🐾 My work with the game depends very much on this

[Concept 🔊] Shadow & Blood Elements, Howl of Death & Lifeforce Injection

Hi! As you can see in total (my last 3 videos) I've done quite a lot of work!
And yet I haven't shown everything I've done yet! I still have the element of astral and poisoning
And the ability to summon creatures (many different creatures with different features)
And I also made it possible to attack with a sword
The next thing I plan to do is a katana (like Sasuke's) and the opportunity to use chidori together with a katana! To do this, I will have to make new animations...
And the most interesting thing I'm thinking about is making it possible to apply hand seals like in naruto
Will be an ability, when activated, replaces all the current icons of abilities in the hotbar with icons of hand seals and you will need to choose hand seals to make necessary ninjutsu!
Yeah, this is a very interesting idea

Уровни подписки

It will be nice

$ 6,7 в месяц

Basic support

$ 12,9 в месяц


$ 23,5 в месяц


$ 28 в месяц

Thank you!

$ 38 в месяц

Support the project

$ 51 в месяц

Make author happy

$ 64 в месяц

Make author really happy 💎

$ 127 в месяц