Comrade General
Comrade General
4 subscribers
6.45 of $ 3 721 money raised
Uncertain goal.

Some projects are not worth loosing.

There is only one most concerning thing about commissions in VRChat: Having your work forgotten or misused. Residence of Delirious Insane has been abandoned almost immediatelly, with the client disappering after the payment; French Club was doomed from the beginning due to the situation in the French community and The Party Pills island became just another place in VRChat's library. Perhaps,  I should pay my old works a renewing visit and give the upcoming projects extra care.

Subscription levels


$ 0,63 per month
This subscription doesn't bring anything, neither to you or me. Just ignore it...Why are you still reading this? If anything is posted here, it is free to be viewed. I am not Shutterstock, I don't charge people money for looking at pictures.
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