creator cover Comrade General

Comrade General

A Russian person on the edge of Europe and Asia.
Comrade General
6.47 of $ 3 732 money raised
Uncertain goal.
CGD has approved the mass production of PPSh-41 rifles.
Post is available after purchase

Uniforms for Booth models

Ever since I have told others about the uniforms I am making for a Merino base from booth, some have gotten a particular interest in purchasing them.
As such, I am now making a D-Day 101st US Airborne uniform for a TubeRose base, which will be sold on Booth once it is complete. Details about it will be provided later. Others uniforms will be slowly introduced to the market as well.

Some projects are not worth loosing.

There is only one most concerning thing about commissions in VRChat: Having your work forgotten or misused. Residence of Delirious Insane has been abandoned almost immediatelly, with the client disappering after the payment; French Club was doomed from the beginning due to the situation in the French community and The Party Pills island became just another place in VRChat's library. Perhaps,  I should pay my old works a renewing visit and give the upcoming projects extra care.
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P-3 Koyuki Outfit

One of my comrades has asked if I am able to make an outfit for his Halloween avatar. It is a Koyuki base and the idea, that was presented was Major Nechayev's (P-3's) outfit, from Atomic Heart. This is the result. I am unsure if I should make it available to others either for free or via a paid subscription.
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Krial's Residence has been updated.

Since I had to leave my apartment for a few days, I decided to download one of my old commissions from the cloud to modify them a bit. One of them is Krial's Residence, which is now set in night, which made it a bit...nicer.
It took a few days and now, that the problems have been solved, it is finally coming true.

AI art is useful in many situations.

Sometimes, AI art can be helpful not only creating beautiful art, but also can help to gain new ideas for pretty much anything, including interior design. Providing minimal changes, it still gives good ideas for designs of small details.

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