Moneybag Logic
My previous post produced several versions of the same question: But who is really in charge? Who are the puppetmasters? This post was first published on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 on It should answer this question. The puppetmasters are not humans but moneybags. In case you missed it, the US is not a democracy. A Princeton University
study by Gilens and Page performed a regression analysis on over a
thousand public policy decisions, and determined that the effect of
public opinion on public policy is nil. That's right, nil. It doesn't
matter how you vote, it doesn't affect the outcome in any measurable
way. By extension, that also goes for protesting, organizing, dousing
yourself with gasoline and setting yourself on fire on the steps of the
US Senate, or whatever else you may get up to. It won't influence those
in power worth a damn.