creator cover Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov

C l u b O r l o v | ideas to blow your mind
Dmitry Orlov
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About the creator

Making the Russians Smile
And yet some tens of millions of Americans believe that a bullet grazing Trump's ear was an act of divine intervention!
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Camelot Harris, présidente
Votre opinion sur cette question n'a pas d'importance si vous n'êtes pas américain, et encore moins si vous l'êtes.
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Brilliant podcast Dmitry another cold,hard and honest look into the American situation and its crumbling financial system. Thank u, your work is much appreciated
Kunstlercast sound quality sucked :D Nevertheless - it's a pleasure hearing Dmitry's take on current events. Glad that "Dialog Works" provides are more frequent platform for Orlov.

Dialogue Works

Who killed the Kennedies... I mean... who shot Trump in the ear?
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YouTube site, “American Intelligence Media” works with Michael McKibbon of Americans4innovation.com, original developer of social media. They investigate the British
Pilgrim Society, hub of deep state events. McKibbon’s extensive work & investment was stolen by his
patent atty and given to major corporations & U.S. government. The
US patent office is run by the British and McKibbon’s court case against them
was lost due to fraud in the court.
Their videos reveal that Trump, with Trey Gowdy & Marco Rubio, stole a huge amount of money for the Pilgrim Soc. Tony Blair acquires money from global warming fines for the
Pilgrim Soc and Mark Brown gives money to Trump. Trump has laid groundwork for British annexation of America.
1.“Trump is a British Crown Agent”
2.“Meet the New Faces of the Pilgrims Society”
3. “Pilgrims Society Curtails American Free
katzygolf, the British mouse that would roar? A likely scenario! BeamingFace

Camelot Harris for Presidentress

Ever since the presidential debate of June 27, 2024, at which it became abundantly clear that Joe Biden is non compos mentis, and probably has been that way for quite some time (if not for his entire term), it also became abundantly clear that there was just one way for him to win a second term: kill Trump. And then just yesterday, on Saturday, July 13, at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, a bullet grazed Trump's ear while other bullets killed one rally attendee and injured another. The would-be assassin was shot and killed on the spot by the Secret Service; were he not, a Jack Ruby would have had to finish him off later.
Shooting presidents in this manner is highly traditional in America and, seeing as the Biden clan is incapable of coming up with anything new, this is how it had to be. The Biden clan (which, of course, would deny all responsibility) now deserves to be called The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight. Some wags instantly chimed in with an obvious quip: the gunman aimed for Trump but hit Biden. Trump is now not just favored to win; he is also a martyr and, if that weren't enough, a fighter, defiantly waiving his fist in the air as the Secret Service belatedly struggled to wrestle him to the ground.
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I am just surprised to see how many even think an actual bullet was fired at Trump.
katzygolf, I know. In any event, we are headed to a face off of Harris and Trump as Dmitry predicted. Not having a vested interest in this since I personally never voted for anyone and do not intend to ruin a perfect record, I can objectively predict that Harris is the favorite which makes the finding of who staged the shooting a moot subject since the outcome is likely to be the same with or without Trump being assassinated.
taken today.  Not a scratch on his ear. Recently Trump said that his hand was completely covered with blood from the ear wound. When he got up from under the podium, he lifted his right hand to let  the attendees know he was un phased by almost being killed. He may have a lot of blood on his hands, but not literally (second photo). My gut feeling looks pretty good to be mooted.
Le règne des Grands-Pères Inconnus
Leurs héritiers inconnus sont trop stupides et dégénérés pour prendre la relève.
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Hardly, life is getting more expensive all the time but there is no shortage and no crisis despite the mismanagement of the authorities.
In any case, I prefer written text, it is much quicker. Best wishes from Bavaria.
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Sir, You are right. you should not judge the content according to the headline.
It's getting to be annoyingly common on Youtube - dramatic titles to video interviews with no relevance to what is actually on the video. However, Nima recently interviewed an analyst - Alex Krainer, who IS predicting severe hardships for Europe. It reminded me of your book, Dmitry, comparing life in Russia after the USSR collapse,to life in America after its   coming collapse.  I was wondering if you thought there would be any similarity between America and Europe, when the balloon goes up. Europe currently has a problem with many very alien immigrants, it's never had the luxury of Government support re housing etc. How will it fare, do you think, if it has a massive collapse in the coming years.
The Reign of the Unknown Grandfathers
They may extend their lives in various expensive ways, but they are mortal just like everyone else.
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Les États Divisés d'Amérique
Voilà donc le paysage des EDA - les États divisés d'Amérique.
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I do appreciate your Dialogue Works interviews with Nima.  He asks good questions and you are very good with responses that often make me laugh.  As Reader's Digest used to say, "Laughter is the best medicine" in these crazy times.  BeamingFace
Thanks to Dmitry for another educational briefing and mental health uplift!!  Meanwhile, this from RealtimeDailyNews:  “BREAKING: Emergency officials have just issued a boil water advisory for all of Washington, DC.Emergency officials have issued a boil water advisory for the entire Washington, DC area, including the Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetery, and Reagan National Airport, due to a drop in water supply from the Washington Aqueduct.”     Washington is drinking its own sh*t.

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