creator cover Dmitry Orlov

Dmitry Orlov

C l u b O r l o v | ideas to blow your mind
Dmitry Orlov
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About the creator

Why Moneybags Can't Win
Seems like a dead end, doesn't it?
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La logique du sac à fric
offre d'essai gratuite: https://boosty.to/cluborlov/subscription-level/2368878/promo/55260?linkId=45651f928c35d4c56f3504b65099f74e
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Free trial offer

Some people seem to believe that high-quality content that is worth reading or listening to grows on a magical content tree. The truth is that most of what is available for free is not particularly good at all — with just a few exceptions. I put a lot of work into this blog, doing research and writing articles, and I have a specific mission: to bring to the anglophone (and francophone) world information that is only available in Russian, circumventing the hurdles presented by Western corporate media and its political minders. I am very grateful to those of you who support my work financially and I wish there were more of you. As it stands, I have 2107 subscribers of whom only 798 are paid subscribers. The free subscribers do not have full access to everything that I publish — and this is sad. To encourage more of you to become paid subscribers, I have created a free trial offer. To activate it, please click on the link below. Thank you!
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The Future of the Ukraine as a Wild Field
How will Russia maintain control of a large, unpopulated territory?
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Ce sont des marionnettes à tous les étages
Les marionnettes ukrainiennes sous les marionnettes du gouvernement américain, les marionnettes des entrepreneurs de la défense...
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Moneybag Logic

My previous post produced several versions of the same question: But who is really in charge? Who are the puppetmasters? This post was first published on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 on https://cluborlov.blogspot.com. It should answer this question. The puppetmasters are not humans but moneybags.
In case you missed it, the US is not a democracy. A Princeton University
study by Gilens and Page performed a regression analysis on over a
thousand public policy decisions, and determined that the effect of
public opinion on public policy is nil. That's right, nil. It doesn't
matter how you vote, it doesn't affect the outcome in any measurable
way. By extension, that also goes for protesting, organizing, dousing
yourself with gasoline and setting yourself on fire on the steps of the
US Senate, or whatever else you may get up to. It won't influence those
in power worth a damn.
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I don't think money bags are idiots. just many have no moral compass and use wealth to reinforce narcissistic psyches rather than contribute to the greater good. wealth sharing appears to be a difficult problem for all societies. government is beholden to wealthy people every where. there are endless examples. people with strong ethics are not heard enough and thinkers like you, who share different points of view with quite a wicked sense of humour, are not heard from often. I really enjoy reading your perspectives on issues and do hope the AI is idiot squared.
Pola, I must admit, my mind harkens back to a movie scene rather than a well-written book on pondering this post. In said film the interviewed movie-star pulls out a $20 USD and, (I paraphrase), explains that it is ultimately a piece of paper. It can not be eaten, it can not be oxidized to release chemical energy like petrol etc and furthermore asserts that it still requires a little ink and paper to fabricate the bill. So the $20 actually has, in a net-energy physics sense, a negative influence on world resources.
Here's my caveat, if a modern day citizen of planet Earth doesn't already have land, fuel, food, shelter or influence he/she can ONLY obtain these things by using money. It's a game, a sick one assuredly, yet I believe we are all trapped playing now and if you don't play how do you win? Morbid-old-money, it sucks.
"But what if that control slips through their fingers?" ~ Dmitry Orlov
"Saw his past
He had dug for trust
With blind infected hands
And wondered as the hurt bit hard
Why the sacred weren't at hand..."
~ Indigo Eyes, by Peter Murphy
It's puppets all the way down
Kursk was invaded by puppets in the name of stockholder equity.
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It's of course chinese Yuan, but "chinese yen" is kinda funny too...
Atomsand33, 元, pronounced properly, sounds like yen.
I'm hoping that Nima can find a better streaming or recording program, so we don't loose you in the middle of your thought again. Personally I can handle the noise, but it is clearly annoying to a larger audience.
The crackling reminded me of the 1980s when we tried to tune into western radio channels on ultra short frequency radios... We were glued to the poor radio as a box of magic hope. Little did we know what will come decades later
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Dmitry Orlov, it must be jamming, as it only happens to you who is in St. Petersburg... As much as I appreciate your answers to Nima's boiler plate questions, I prefer your monologues and essays. So no big loss there... Best regards!
Russia's Revenge will be served very cold
Rabid animals are put down.
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La revanche de Biden
Il y a anguille sous roche...
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