Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
2 048 подписчиков

Dialogue Works: No Sane Person Goes to War against Russia

About Ukraine :
« …it’s coming apart politically, the question is how rapidly this will
take place”:we really need this type of
perspective; thanks!On the
question of saving lives (military and other) in this SMO operation and the
perspective you give: “…to have a pool of new leaders hardened in combatfor the future of our nation…”: wow!What a forward-looking perspective and
especially it’s consequence in strengthening the population support. One does
not have such an attitude – at a nation level – without high moral and
spiritual values.Overall, we
really need your reflections to see through all what’s going on. Thanks a million
Dmitry.Really happy to be part of your
What do you think Putin should do in regard to NATO crossing Russias redlines . If he does nothing and gives the impression that Russia is a NATO punching bag  surely the provocations will continue
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Trevor Crook, Yeah, it seems that meme is being parroted, - that its been said "Look, we've been bombing in Russia with no response. We can take it further in".   Sometimes the mind works in odd ways - some time back, when reading of this inching further and further forward by NATO towards things Russia has told them, very publically, very loudly, they are not to do, they are crossing red lines, and yet NATO just gets more arrogant and closer - the lines of old  nursery rhyme came to mind.  "won't you come a little closer?' said the spider to the fly; to where I weave my webs of wonder in the eaves under the sky"  Do I believe Russia is being deliberately tempting?.  No, Russia knows, as those fools do not, what War means, what it is. But Russia has never tried to develop her military might much beyond her borders - it's concentrated on border and homeland protection. And here it is massively strong. And this is something the morons of Washington et al have no conception of.
Pamela Storer, Russia's military might is also quite focused on completely destroying the US, as is China's, North Korea's and Iran's. It's just that the US is doing a bang-up job of destroying itself with minimal additional damage (except to the Ukrainians, of course).
Dmitry, I would like to ask you a question. I have been refreshing - albeit having to use Western sources - the various attacks made on Russia by so-called "European" countries - Poland, Sweden, France, France Turkey and England, Germany etc.  And all these Western reports claim that Russia was "thoroughly beaten" in the Crimean War, by UK and France. Now, when I went to school, we learned that both sides pretty much fought each other to a stalemate and agreed to end it.  Since the English and French were backing Turkeys claim to the Crimea, but it is Russian, I would have said that, on balance, since their aim was not achieved, that Russia won it, if barely.  What would you say - what does Russia regard as the conclusion to this attack on her? Its a frustration for me, all books on Russian history outside Russia are Western - and I dont trust a word they say. Do you know of a good Russian written Russian History book in English?? thanks.
Pamela Storer, I don't now of any good history books in English. This doesn't mean that they don't exist; just not worth my bother to look for any. As far as Crimean war, yes, it was fought to a stalemate and Crimea remains Russian.

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