Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
2 143 subscribers

Dialogue Works: The Point of No Return for Ukraine

After the Soviet Union broke up who decided that  the Donbass , Odessa , Kharkov etc should be part of Ukraine and not part of Russia . Wasn’t that asking for trouble ?
Trevor Crook, it wasn't a decision and it wasn't a problem until US meddling made it so.
Thank you for another informative interview….. do you have any sense of how long the west or Ukraine has to agree to the conditions for negotiations or will it remain the same until Russia liberates more territory and then those additional territories will also become part of the conditions? And will any further escalation by the west take any chances of negotiations off the table? Thank you
Pete M, there are no conditions for negotiations. Ukraine has to accept Russia's terms, which are nonnegotiable. The West is constantly trying to escalate but is constrained by their fear of a wider war.
A whole new Eurasian and European security framework that's respectful of the security concerns of all the parties involved, especially Russia. That requires sane actors on the western side. There are none present currently (in the west). So there will be more war, sadly. Dmitry, are you perhaps working on any more historical essays? I would purchase them if you release them all in a book. It would make for good reading while riding out the collapse of the United States where I currently reside. Thank you for your informative and important work. God bless.
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Silent Bob, Saying Eurasian and European is redundant. Eur, of Eurasia means Europe. it's like saying Europe and the Orient, also called Asia, and Europe.  How I wish people would drop this damn stupid English word, Eurasia. it makes no sense, which, given it was coined by the english in India to label a person of mixed race parentage, is unavoidable.
Pamela Storer, thank you for the correction.
I am looking forward to August 11 with great anticipation.  :-)
Excellent post with Dima!The « real power »
behind the West is panicking and not yet coming to terms with the reality that
what they’ve worked at for the last 500 years (“working hard to “herd” humanity”)
is really facing a brick wall. This is really a fundamental paradigm shift that
is taking place and they know that they will be targeted by the world
population that has suffered their destructions. Ah well… their greed is
destroying them and they have nowhere to go now, not like they had after the
second world war where they could start “moving” to north America.Thanks again.
Harfang67, who is Dima?
Dmitry Orlov, I think he means Nima
Putin being a Christian applies the commandments handed down to the Church by Christ himself:
''If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him
his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast
gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with
thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses
every word may be established. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear
them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church,
let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican'' (Matthew 18:15-17).
Russia is becoming Christian again. The West is becoming heathen again.
The Google is censoring you a lot I have a notification for each video at Dialogue Works but for your video haven't recieved one. 
I also noticed other things in YT, and back when you had blogspot.
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Eduard Florinescu, that's not censorship, that's just YouTube doing random crap, which it does all the time.
Dmitry Orlov, Oh, I forgot about the good old Hanlon razor: 
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Sorry Dmitry, I meant Nima Alkhorshid (Dialog Works).
As a sider I thought you'd like this one...the part on the G-7 political desapproval ratings : https://vongreyerz.gold/as-dominos-fall-gold-will-stand-stronger-than-
Harfang67, von Geyerz is a one-trick pony: "Buy gold!" Why? "Because gold!"

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