Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
2 103 subscribers

Dialogue Works

Who killed the Kennedys... I mean... who shot Trump in the ear?
Thank you Mr. Orłów, your analysis was the best, of all the latest Noma's interviews, I have listened to all of them, except Scott Ritter's, I stopped listening to him, since his disastrous performance in Chechnia. Awaiting your new bookThinkingFace
Mr. Orlov, do you think that after the war there will be a tribunal and arrest warrants issued for some Western leaders? I'm heard mamy times that this will be so, but I cant get myself to believe it. These people have been on their drunken crime spree for so long that it serms nothing will happen to them.
Li Zhi, the best sort of punishment I can think for them is oblivion, or perhaps getting their names spelled wrong in some history books.
Hello, Mr Orlov, it seems 'secret combinations' have been around since Cain, the purpose of which is to 'get gain' through murder, theft, war etc. I don't think anything has changed at all. But we are assured in a time to come 'all things' will be revealed, we should all live so that in that day we will have clean hands and a pure heart, it will be vital for our eternal future. I am grateful for your thoughtful and insightful analysis. Cheers. Jim
I appreciate your very refreshing perspective that helps balance the overload of value given to Trump after his "shocking" false flag attack that boosted him into savior status. Do you see a chance that the miserly bloodthirsty leadership will ever lose power?
I doubt any news we get is bankable.
katzygolf, yes, it's all about money and money is running out.
YouTube site, “American Intelligence Media” works with Michael McKibbon of Americans4innovation.com, original developer of social media. They investigate the British
Pilgrim Society, hub of deep state events. McKibbon’s extensive work & investment was stolen by his
patent atty and given to major corporations & U.S. government. The
US patent office is run by the British and McKibbon’s court case against them
was lost due to fraud in the court.
Their videos reveal that Trump, with Trey Gowdy & Marco Rubio, stole a huge amount of money for the Pilgrim Soc. Tony Blair acquires money from global warming fines for the
Pilgrim Soc and Mark Brown gives money to Trump. Trump has laid groundwork for British annexation of America.
1.“Trump is a British Crown Agent”
2.“Meet the New Faces of the Pilgrims Society”
3. “Pilgrims Society Curtails American Free
katzygolf, the British mouse that would roar? A likely scenario! BeamingFace

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