Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
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Trump Triumphant: The First Three Weeks

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Like most things regarding the US, it's just a big show-- and rather an entertaining one, granted. It's also like watching the powers that be swapping out the captain of the Titanic. After she hit the iceberg, that is. 
Because we all know how this particular show is going to end, already. It'll be noisy, for sure-- hysterical, even--and very entertaining still, certainly. Trump won't disappoint us on that score, at least. But what it won't be is pretty. 
And if you're anywhere near Stateside this coming few years, best get ready to duck, y'all.
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Dr Jacqueline Coccinelle, ps, what NATO "planners" were doing omitting the response of the Russian Army from their ingenious plan is anyone’s guess. 
Maybe they thought Navalny would've sorted out the Russian Government in Moscow for them, 😂. While the Armed Forces would make like a Syrian general. And disappear. Poof!
Meanwhile in the real world... 🇺🇦 😵
Dr Jacqueline Coccinelle, 👍👍👍
Denmark recognized Kosovo, so I recognize Greenland as an independent country that may join USA whenever are its inhabitants are sufficiently bribed ;-) But if this would mean a conflict within NATO, I wouldn't complain.
Dimitry the mental health restoring benefits of your delicious humor are much appreciated.
Regarding the rare earth in Ukraine: I think everybody knows the Russian wil ultimately own the minerals.
I guess the US wet dream is to somehow spin in the future that the minerals legally belong to them, so they can exchange with the $300 B that they and their cronies stole from Russia. That's another "American dream".
NLB, Ukrainian rare earths cannot be mined profitably. The lithium deposit is locked in granite that has to be ground to a powder. A huge waste of energy!
Will Trump will facilitate a false flag war with Iran? Not looking for an answer today.
RedShift, considering that Trump, with Musk's hand, is about to audit the Pentagon, I don't think any military action is being planned.
Dmitry Orlov, I doubt if they'll find anything other than a few emaciated mice and 
I give it up Dmitry. Where did you get the cool photo with Trump’s super cool coif and who on earth is…Rogers?
jumpinjehoshafat, Roger Watters?
jumpinjehoshafat, there is no need for you to know that. Don't clutter your brain with extraneous facts.
Usually I agree, but not this time. Trump is the strict father that closed down the deranged drag show circus that was the US gov't (and still French gov't). Sanity abd common sense have returned. I predict that on may 9, big T will be in Moscow and this phase of the conflict will be over. Both Russians and US will diligently prepare for the next conflict in some years. 
James Turner, Trump HAS NO PLAN. Or, rather, he has a plan, and it is to make as much noise as possible to keep his enemies off balance. He has no plan for averting national disaster.
The picture is very telling. The newly appointed DOGE and his lapdog. Who appointed DOGE is anyone's guess, but it's not far off to think about the power elite, as they see themselves. It's the power elite that with their octopus arms shouts out: the new world order. It is a dream that the power elite harbors. It is a dream so powerful that they are willing to use any means to realize it. If for some mysterious reason they wake up from this dream and truly understand the evil they are causing and the devastation they are spreading, it is not far-fetched to think that rivers of tears will be shed.

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