Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
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US Federal Debt Tsunami Warning

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The new Trump administration is moving as quickly as possible to cut government spending and increase government revenues:
• Many new tariffs are being introduced to decrease the trade deficit while increasing government revenues.
• Efforts are being made to get NATO members to pay more for US-made weapons.
• Federal departments are being audited (USAID has been slaughtered already; other departments are queueing up in front of the abatoir) looking for corruption, money laundering and waste.
• Thousands of federal workers have been given a generous incentive to resign voluntarily while quite a few others have been sacked already.
• The US will no longer be supporting the former Ukraine, will not introduce troops into the former Ukrainian territory, will not live to its mutual defense commitments under Chapter 5 of NATO charter and will do its best to end its failed proxy war against Russia. There is still talk of "containing China" but it is unlikely to amount to much more than some new tariffs which China can shrug off (US trade is by now a mere 5% of China's total).
As with most things American, the rationale behind these desperate measures has to do with money: the US federal government is running out of it. The problem is not so much long-term debt as short-term debt, which needs to be rolled over immediately, coupled with the overall trend of stagnant revenues and ballooning budget deficit. Revenues since the beginning of the fiscal year (October through January) came to $1.596 trillion, and while that's nominally higher than last year's $1.584 trillion, when adjusted for inflation it is actually a decrease.
Meanwhile, spending is growing by leaps and bounds, amounting to $2.435 trillion since the start of the fiscal year against $2.116 trillion a year ago. Over the past 12 months, revenue came to $4.929 trillion while spending came to $7.064 trillion — that's a budget deficit of 43%. The point at which the US governments spends twice as much as it earns and borrows the rest is within sight! Meanwhile, over the past 12 months it has spent 23.6% of the total on interest payments. The point at which a quarter of all spending is on interest payments will be reached soon!
The relentless rise in US federal debt level, which has blown past $36.22 trillion, can be allegorically compared to the rising sea level along the Eastern Seaboard of the US caused, some say, by a slowing of the Gulf Stream: there is some coastal inundation, storm surges become more severe and in places beach erosion is undermining the foundations of stately mansions that dot the coast. At this rate, the sea level can keep rising for another generation or two, causing many billions in damage to the properties of people who had splurged on a vacation home with a sea view. This, metaphorically, is the effect of long-term debt.
Short-term debt is rather different and a more apt metaphor for it is a tsunami. Consider: the short-term portion of US federal debt has grown to over $9.47 trillion while interest payments on the federal debt have reached $1.16 trillion a year and have exceeded the amount spent on national defense. That is, the amount of debt to be rolled over (by issuing new debt instruments) over the next 12 months new comes to $9.476 trillion, which is equivalent to the total federal revenues of the US over 23.1 months. This debt tsunami is growing higher and higher: in 2019 the amount to be rolled over was $4.297 trillion, which is only half as much.
Meanwhile, the federal debt ceiling has been breached again, and the plan is to raise it by $4 trillion, making the US Treasury to continue making payments. This is the quintessential function of the US federal government: if it stops making payments on which half of the US households depend, the USA will effectively cease to exist as a unified state and will disintegrate as each state stops sending money to Washington and tries to take care of its own.
What is being done to avert this scenario? The current plan is to cut spending by $1.5 trillion and to reduce it... wait for it... by a whole $2 trillion over a 10-year period! Nobody in their right mind would ever think that this would be sufficient.
But then there is the short-term problem: borrowing another $4 trillion over the next year while rolling over close to $10 trillion in short-term debt. Interest payments will exceed a quarter of all federal spending. Trump's new tariffs may add a little something to federal revenues but will also drive up dollar inflation. In turn, interest rates will have to rise to compensate.
What happens when a tsunami reaches the shore? Typically, panic ensues. Some people run for higher ground while others drown or are swept out to sea on bits of wreckage. A debt tsunami is different because the substance in question is different: water is physical while money is a mental construct that has no physical reality at all. Another difference is that the level of panic on the shore has no effect on the level of a tsunami that strikes it whereas a financial panic is the key ingredient that makes a debt tsunami more than a mere metaphor.
But the fact remains: neither Musk's extraordinary efforts to cut waste and fraud, nor Trump's efforts to cut trade deficits and boost revenues by imposing tariffs, and certainly not the plan to cut $1.5 trillion in spending while authorizing $4 trillion in new borrowing currently winding its way through the various committees in the US House of Representatives, are likely to materially affect the eventual outcome when financial panic finally arrives.
(Hat tip: Alex)
What is Greenland worth again? Ha! And how did that old idea go: If you want to defeat the US, then keep the peace long enough for it to collapse internally? No war, no profit.
RedShift, I guess rare earths buried under the Greenland ice sheet aren't enough, so Ukrainian rare earths are now needed. These only exist on old Soviet-era maps, by the way. Soviet geologists tried their best to find some, even if they could not be produced economically. Trump wants to value old Soviet geological survey maps at $300 billion! Sweet!
Dmitry Orlov, Thanks for pointing that out. Discussions around the topic of rare earths seem to proceed as if it's a real thing; but if there were wouldn't they have already been exploited, or show more action towards said aim. I guess it's another phantom asset to keep accountants busy maintaining the illusion of solvency.
I guess 2 things the Musk admin (the real brain behind anything substantial) will do:
1. Inflate the USD to make the debts more
serviceable (tariffs help here beside generating revenue).
2. Build up Bitcoin as reserve currency.
Gold is no option as the US has not enough and Russia/China and others have accumulated a lot over the past decades. With Bitcoin they can run a huge speculative bet and also provide the Americans an escape from inflation hell, which otherwise would lead to civil war. To reduce expenses the US will stop the global power projection which has failed anyway, but focus on their region and take all the low hanging fruits. Greenland, Canada, Panama. Next, probably Venezuela and other resource rich countries. Probably also S-Afrika as Musks personal project. If S-Afrika becomes part of the US, Musk might be able to run for president 2028. And its rich on resources and a geopolitical important position.
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Eduard Florinescu, I meant with low hanging fruits: Greenland, Canada, Panama. The the next level might be Venezuela as the country with the most oil/gas reserves globally, and in a new world order focussed on geographical sphere of influences I think the US will try to exploit that. I doubt Russia will start WW3 because of Venezuela and it is also far away from Russia, thus logistically much more challenging as Ukraine. They try since ages to regime change it, but Trump has signaled to go the straight way of raw military power. I doubt Venezuela could do too much if the US would do that. Hopefully not, but we will see.
Dmitry Orlov, If you would be in Trump's shoes, what would you do to avoid a collapse? Do you think that Russia and China have interest to help the US to avoid that, as it poses a big risk when a nuclear super power collapses?
If I were a member of the US House, I would propose the following procedure: (1) The US government immediately defaults on all debts owed to the largest 50 US financial institutions. "Those pieces of paper you hold are worthless now." That instantly puts Blackrock, Vanguard, and all of the "Federal" "Reserve" banks into permanent bankruptcy. Debts to smaller financial institutions would not be affected. (2) If that's not sufficient, the US government defaults on all debts to the largest 50 Western financial institutions. NATO member countries, Canada, Japan, and Australia. Good idea?
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Geoff Young, The US political and economic system is completely dysfunctional. If the US transitions legally and institutionally to a mixed economy, it’s more likely to avoid probable disintegration and irreparable collapse. To start things off big pharma and medicine need to be nationalized, as well as key US industries. China’s mixed political economy is proof in the pudding. If you can’t beat ‘em you will eventually be forced wisely to join ‘em. 👈☺️✌️ Cheers
Geoff Young, Thats why they choose members of the US House to be friends with the big players in power ;-)
A little puzzled: 7.064-4.929= 2.135 new debt amirite? (not 4 trillion new borrowing). So if Musk admin can cut about 2 trillion from spending, it would balance rev vs spending.
ThirdChimp, 4 trillion is the amount the debt ceiling is going to go up and, to be sure, it will get eaten up.
"A debt tsunami is different because the substance in question is different: water is physical while money is a mental construct that has no physical reality at all." Brilliant.
Side note: I needed cash upfront when I got my first job (16 years old). I asked my father for a loan. He placed $30 in an empty drawer and said take whatever you need. A couple of weeks later I asked my dad for a new loan. He told me to go to the drawer and take whatever I needed. I went to the draw, it was empty. When I told him the draw was empty. He asked me "What happened to the money you put back?"
A formula and goal for peace and continued human progress is to achieve "0" Debt + continually expand and upgrade the reproduction of goods and services for present and future generations.
Thank you for the great post. As you have often stated before, this debt and its management reminds me of Sisyphus, with the ultimate result not difficult to discern, only question is how long this can continue. Meanwhile for some of us, who are in the US, I would appreciate if you can give some sound advise on how to hedge against the coming catastrophe. You are knowledgeable in this area (and experienced as well with the 90s in the Soviet Union). This would be very useful and valuable information.
Rojac, funny, I don't recall stating that "this debt and its management reminds [you] of Sisyphus". As far as "hedging against catastrophe" — that's an excellent title for a future post. My solution was to get the hell out of the US and never look back.
Sorry, a badly construed sentence. "Every time YOU talk about this debt, it reminds me ...". I understand you could get out of the USA, but people have different situations. I am glad if you can suggest some possible solutions.
Rojac, the only blanket advice I can give is to become at peace with your fate, whatever it may be.
Quick question: I was under the impression that "Rare Earth's" were ubiquitous. It's the separation process which is the problem. Highly toxic acid/chemical baths type operations. Environmentally unfriendly ....to say the least. Any comments?
Rare earths are not rare but are found in small deposits worldwide. Their abundance is greater than real rare elements but their need in modern electronics, etc. requires destroying large areas of land that is left unreclaimed resulting in water pollution containing toxins that can make their way into community water sources and destruction of ecosystems. The cost of refinement can be high and the runoff can be damaging. 
Great insights, thank you. So despite the show and hoopla, what "Trump" (as the latest incarnation of the powers controlling the US) is really preparing for is a meeting with the Russian Federation in order for Putin to dictate the terms of surrender concerning the former ukraine, and everything in the European theater having anything to do with that abortive, genius idea someone had to take on the Russian Army, 😂. On... their... own... turf...??
Cosmic levels of stupidity, rather. 
What's the betting the "summit" will involve "Trump" asking Putin to ask the Chinese for money, too. 
Boatloads of it. And in the meantime, the old "China is about to take over the US" narrative seems to be amping up again stateside-- in Trumptard Land, at least. Confused? That's kinda the overall idea. And you ain't seen nothing yet, y'all. Distortion on a mass scale is all that stands between the USG and the Mother of all Reality Checks. Like 2 crackheads playing Jenga, it's only ever gonna go one way.
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Dr Jacqueline Coccinelle, 
Specifically, the neocon policy of containing Russia by means of eastward NATO expansion, regime change in Ukraine and provoking Russia deploy in Ukraine is the point in question, not 18th and 19th century geopolitics. As for 19th century US involvement in European geopolitical affairs, the acquisition of Alaska by purchase is no indication of US anti-Russian foreign policy comparable in any way to the present geopolitical crisis in Ukraine. On both accounts, you seem to be way off topic. Whatever. 👈☺️👍
jumpinjehoshafat, Alaska?! 😂,
Rather, your definition of "on topic" would be a real blast.
I'm sure.
Bloody hell, the US's goose is well and truly cooked. I honestly don't think there will be another president after Trump, the country likely won't exist before his first term is up. I wonder if you could do a similar post on China? It may not have the same problem with federal debt, but its residential and municipal debt implosion is pretty interesting.
Now is the time to employ the Michael Hudson mantra: "A debt that cannot be paid should not be paid."
Michael E. Dowd, and a debt that should not be paid is a debt that would not be paid. Capt. Obvious weeps.
Michael E. Dowd, I thought it was "Debt that cannot be paid Will not be paid."
Dear Dmitry.
This is off point on this artical, but I would like your opinion on this analysis on the reasoning of the Ukrain / Russia conflict. Please.
Syria was protected by Russia in 2014 .
Most probably the strategic interest 2014 were the same as in 2024 as in 2014.
Isreals Interest in neutralising any force in the middle east. Syria is on the road to Iran. If Russia upset the plan to neutralise Syria in 2014, then it makes sense to keep Russia busy or weaking Russia for the plan to neutralising Syria in 2024. By keeping Russia busy in a war with somebody like Ukraine.
To recap the point , Russia was provoked into a war at this time to keep it out of Syria and isreal business in middle east.
I would be interested in your view on this theory.
Thank you . Peter Monaghan
Foggie monahan, Russia neutralized Wahhabis in Chechnya and ISIS in Syria. Russia is neutralizing Banderites in the former Ukraine. Russia is just taking them as they come. I guess your point is that the US carefully plans its defeats around the world. If so, sure, why not. Clearly, its strategy is self-defeating overall. That's the subject of this article, by the way, not Syria (which no longer exists).

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