Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
2 165 subscribers
Good interview.  Interesting, seeing someone illustrate the differences in the two nations with complete honesty - not always easy to do when you have to face the utter disintegration of something once loved, be it a person or nation.
Good Interview Dmitry.  Your part, that is.  Otherwise, Adams is as clueless as the rest.  No concept of Public Service or industrialization.  Was also hoping you would blow his mind with the concept of cooperation vs. competition but you played it cool and hopefully attracted some new followers.  Thanks always.  Peace!
Rudi Gale, Clueless, indeed. But those twisted views, in my opinion, are the most common in the US, and in the Federal government, spoken or unspoken. We are dealing with some sort of wide-spread brain damage in the US.
Rudi Gale, I must add that, were it not for Dmitry's diplomatic control it's unlikely we would be having this conversation. Instead, we have a perfect specimen on view of what passes for civilized in the US. Perhaps it's too subtle for some, but the reality is shocking to informed observers. The seeds of internal destruction are now flying. I don't see any way the nation can hold together much longer. Nor should it. I believe Dmitry once speculated that the US nation would break apart into independent states and regions. back then, I immediately recognized the probability of that future as a good thing. Now I see it as inevitable. Too much internal propaganda. Too much brain damage for any other outcome..
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It was interesting to listen to, but I'm afraid there's something missing from the conversation, on his part. People only learn their lessons on this planet, indivudually and collectively, by.... learning their lessons. Americans are COLLECTIVELY responsible for what's happening there. Instead of befriending nations across the world, they seeked supremacy and hegemony. The chickens have come home to roost, and it's time for lessons to be learned, however unpleasant. A bit of humble pie can only benefit Americans in the long run.
Erna Beetge, Americans are generally immune to experiencing individual guilt unless convicted in a court of law. Not committing a crime is for them equivalent to committing a crime and getting away with it. And they are entirely immune, in their own minds, to experiencing communal guilt.
Dmitry Orlov, As the sages have proclaimed through the ages....as you sow, so you shall reap.
Who is it you mentioned doing interviews with? Niema? Neema? I cannot find it now because I have to listen to whole thing again.

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