Dmitry Orlov
Dmitry Orlov
2 103 subscribers
This is a really good conversation.  Highlly recommended. Heart
Did Christmas come early?! Two talks in published in one day! So happy! Thank you Dmitry!
(Oxana, Australia 😊).
Fabulous conversation, Dmitri!  I also love Jim's many podcasts.  But when you're featured, it's ALWAYS awesome!
Seems to me that Jim Kunstler was taken aback (Orloved?) by some of your replies based on the quick change of subject and lack of follow-up questions. What probably got to him was the no-holds-barred truthfulness of your replies.  I like that.
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Pamela Storer, He was interviewed by Kunstler before, Palm. If one isn't careful, trying to keep up with the cutting edge commentary (cough) on Scott Ritter Extra might distract one from what's really going on, dontcha know~
Dr Jacqueline Coccinelle, Why, how sweet of you to follow my little contributions so closely. I'm touched, really I am, but shouldnt you be doing something a bit more useful - like, I dont know, getting a life, for example?.  You seem not to have noticed for all your careful perusal of my writings, that Mr. Ritter has been a mite techy with me lately - I responded  with some vigour to a comment he made on some womans channel, in which I expressed anger rather vehemently. When I went to alter it to a more suitable tone, it was gone. Something I have found in over 20 yrs of commenting, no one is so quick to remove one's posts as those who loudly screech for Free Speech. So you didnt catch up? Well, it did get taken down fast, so Never mind, another time perhaps. I'm sure you wont miss too many of my comments, you follow me so carefully. Thank you for your fandom again. Most sweet, really.
Brilliant podcast Dmitry another cold,hard and honest look into the American situation and its crumbling financial system. Thank u, your work is much appreciated
Kunstlercast sound quality sucked :D Nevertheless - it's a pleasure hearing Dmitry's take on current events. Glad that "Dialog Works" provides are more frequent platform for Orlov.
The biggest favour Russia has done the world, is to show everyone what paper tigers the US & EU are. I'm pretty sure even the Americans have been dispossessed from their delusions. At first it was shock and disbelief, and now it's turning into despair. China particularly would have taken great interest in this conflict, and would certainly familiarise themselves with Russian military doctrine, since they will likely be in the cross hairs next.
Erna Beetge, Americans may have been *disabused* of their delusions. Dispossession will come later.

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