creator cover Captain Bl00d

Captain Bl00d

Visual Novel Developer
Captain Bl00d
17 of 100 paid subscribers
100 subscribers! That would be an awesome start!

About the creator

Hey guys! Thank you for visiting my page. I'm a Visual Novel Developer, my game is called "I Need A Hero!" and it's currently WIP. Subscribe to my page to get early access to the newest version. I will also upload exclusive content, news about the project, and e.t.c. Hope you enjoy our ride!
Protect Her [0.1 Demo] [Hero Tier Release]
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"Protect Her" Demo Release Date!

Hey! Some cool news, guys! 
The release date for "Protect Her" 0.1V is... 13.06
I might even release it a bit earlier, so stay tuned! 
Here's a little quiz for you guys: this character will be a part of the demo. She's a popular character, and a little known fact: her favorite food is an egg sandwich... Can you guess who it is?

Big Announcement! [About new project]

Sup sup! How you guys doing? 
I've had a bit of rest after finishing the last project, and after a while, I couldn't stop thinking about one thing: What's next? 
I know a lot of you wanted me to keep working on "I Need A Hero!". I looked back at this game and... realized that the art style that I used back then is kinda... outdated now. So if I wanted to return to that project, I had to basically remake it. Sad, I know. 
But don't get too sad. I actually thought about this new idea for a project, and I absolutely love it. 
I liked it so much that I immediately started working on a demo, and it's 80% done already! 
Crazy stuff, right? 
"But dude, like... what is the project even about?" 
Right, let's get to it! 
The name of the project is "Protect Her". Short summary of the story: MC (name is customizable, yay) is working as a bodyguard for a famous singer, Jessica. One day, she gets a mysterious letter from the unknown stalker. Your job is to find the person who threatens her life... before it's too late. 
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DELIVERY 1.0 [FINAL, Hero Tier] 04/06/2024
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Delivery Horizontal Bonus Art Pack
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06/05 Update
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Delivery! 0.75 [Hero Tier Release]
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v0.75 Date Announcement!
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A small update on my progress
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Subscription levels


$ 1,22 per month
You're a real hero!
Support me and get early access to new updates (7 days before public release).


$ 6,1 per month
Not all superheroes wear capes! 
Become my biggest supporter and get: 
-earliest access to new updates (7 days earlier than "Heroes");
-cool bonus art packs; 
-the ability to suggest new events/scenes/side characters, e.t.c. (obviously, if your suggestion doesn't turn 180 from my initial idea xD); 
-enormous amounts of street cred; 
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