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May 2024 Devlog #16

Guys, I swear - college is something else..
Sounds weird to repeat myself from the last devlog, but again, sorry for not updating Asset Editor in April. I was busy with college final exams (last year, yuppie!), which I, not to brag, aced! But you're interested in Asset Editor, not this, right? So let's get right to it.
Added support for Unturned
I know, I know, it sounds really really bad, to say I only now added support for, right after released. But is not actually a big release, just a map, no big changes to the game. Let's discuss those changes.
New conditions and rewards
New condition "Player Life (Stamina)" allows you to check for player stamina. Not that crazy, but okay. Rewards, on the other hand, are a bit more interesting. You can now change player's stamina with "Player Life (Stamina)" reward, which is more useful. There's also rewards list reward (that's a mouthful), which allows you to give player either a spawn table item, or random reward. That is really great! Cutscene mode reward is also quite interesting, but only for those who make storyline cutscenes.
Reward list
New asset type "Rewards" is now here. It can be used to give random rewards when player enters a volume on the map, or by giving it via new reward type in quests.
Changes not related to Unturned update
Foliage editor
Requested by Axodouble, app can now edit foliage asset files!
Smaller improvements
You can now use more hotkeys to navigate Asset Editor more quickly.
"Ctrl + Tab" and "Ctrl + Shift + Tab" cycles through open tabs, while "Ctrl + Number" quickly switches to tab corresponding to its order in tab list.
Holding "Shift" while pressing on delete button will skip confirmation if you have this option enabled.

But I'm not done with college yet, so June update may happen, but not guaranteed. This month will be dedicated for my diploma so that I can finally graduate from college. As always, I appreciate your support even when I'm not able to deliver more updates due to college. Thanks for your understanding.

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