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March 2024 Devlog #15 (+DEMO UPDATE)

A bit late is better than never I guess?
First and foremost - sorry for not updating Asset Editor last month, since I was busy with college I didn't have that much time for Asset Editor. There were some changes ready, but I didn't feel like it was deserving its own release. Now, after 2 months, I can show new exciting changes to Asset Editor, that will allow for even better quality of life.
Clothing locking
Now you can lock clothing and appearance to re-roll only the ones you want. Say you want to use a specific shirt, but don't know which pants to choose. So you lock shirt, hit re-roll and shirt will stay intact, while other parts will re-roll. You can lock however many parts you want.
Drag & Drop
Sometimes you just don't want to type out IDs manually, and opening an asset selector is just too cumbersome. You can now drag & drop assets to asset input boxes!
Descriptive Comments
Ever worked on a project with multiple people, and not all of them use Asset Editor? You can now toggle "Write Descriptive Comments" on in settings, and app will write, well, descriptive comments in exported assets. It will write flag names, asset names and some other stuff as comments in assets, allowing for better clarity.
Advanced ToolTips
These tooltips allow for better and more eye-candy-like information. For instance, glance at condition properties without actually opening it to edit. This feature is WIP, so in most places there are still old tooltips and not every tooltip is full yet. As this feature is resource intensive as well it also can be toggled off in settings.
Demo Update
BowieD.Unturned.AssetEditor.exe21.27 MbСкачать
Thanks for your patience and support, it really means a lot to me. Well, enjoy the update, while I go celebrate my birthday! See ya next month!

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