creator cover Black Aures

Black Aures

Dragon Survival developer and artist
Black Aures

About the creator

■ http://discord.gg/8SsB8ar
■ Black Aures - Russian artist, born in 1997, animator, reptile lover, developer. My specialization it is feral dragons with romance, little details and background.
■ I am a sweet and gentle person, but a little tired because of the amount of communication. I love my job as an artist, I respect the people around me and try to make the world a little better :3

■ Minecraft Dragon Mod ■
■ Dragons Survival is my global mod about playable dragons for Minecraft 1.16.5 and 1.18.2 Forge. I've always liked dragons and this wonderful game, but I've been playing alone and without modifications my whole life, until I accidentally came across this cultural phenomenon in 2020. I was fascinated by the amount of player-created content. There were so many mods created by them, many of which had to do with dragons. You could tame them, breed them, ride them, kill them, but in none of them could you BE a dragon. This really upset me. Being an artist very far from programming, modding and the minecraft community, I decided to take a risk and create my own mod. I had absolutely no knowledge or friends in this field. The only thing I had was a dream and the support of a community of dragon lovers. You can see the result for yourself.
■ Сurseforge (download) - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dragons-survival
■ Furaffinity - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/blackaures/
■ Discord Server - http://discord.gg/8SsB8ar

All paid posts to discord only

ENG ■ To avoid spreading your energy over a huge number of venues, absolutely all news and posts will be moved to Discord. Paid roles will be given out automatically. Everyone who supports me here or on Patreon has full access to special private chats, early access and news about upcoming updates.

RU ■ Чтобы не распылять свою энергию на огромное количество площадок, абсолютно все новости и посты будут перенесены в Дискорд. Платные роли будут выдаваться автоматически. У всех кто поддерживает меня тут или на Patreon есть полный доступ к особым закрытым чатам, раннему доступу и новостям о грядущих обновлениях. 

Dragold Game Time

■ UPDATE: development temporarily suspended
■ I already tried a few development areas, researched 3D indie-games, new software, yet to realize that none of those have caught my interest. That is why I decided to use my favorite 2D and develop the idea of ScreenMates even deeper. All and all, ScreenMates are great, yet you cannot quite call them "a game". I want to make that idea into a good game. I cannot really name a genre for that, but I think Tamagotchi with RPG elements is the closest it can get.
■ The main denizens of your screen of course will be Dragons. Or Dergs. If I'll have the power to, I will add anthropomorphic creatures - Kobs. Both kobs and dergs are called Dragolds. All of them would be split by species in honor to the cardinal directions (North, South, West, East). Each type will have different animations and skin variations. It might be Cold (woolen/feathery), Hot (scales) and Sea (smooth) variations. Lore-wise kobs are the same species as dergs and if the main derg disappears, they become larger, filling his place.
■ I am going to warn you beforehand, that the only thing ready for this game is the bunch of things (All mechanics, gameplay, upcoming updates, roadmap) which are important as a good starting point. I am not going to spoil all the details and design documents of course, yet I will share some with a few individuals. Let's jump right to it.
Dragold Announcement Game.mov9.70 MbDownload

Subscription levels

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$ 3,8 per month
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■ Young Dragons

$ 6,3 per month
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■ Adult Dragons

$ 12,5 per month
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■ Emerald Dragons

$ 25 per month
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■ Diamond Dragons

$ 63 per month
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■ Legendary Dragons

$ 125 per month
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