creator cover Barcode Studia

Barcode Studia

Deinceps et modo deinceps
Barcode Studia

About the creator

Hello! We are Barcode Studia - development that is primarly focused on creating GTA homebrew titles titles. Mostly we are known for Forelli Redemption and Sindacco Chronicles titles. Support us if you want to get our updates, get mentioned in the credits or get early access for future projects!
Привет! Мы - Barcode Studia, разработчики хоумбрю GTA. Известны, по большей части, за Forelli Redemption и Sindacco Chronicles. Поддержите нас, если хотите попасть в титры к будущему проекту, получить инсайды с разработки или обрести ранний доступ к будущим проектам!
Seen in Liberty City
Level required:
Something seen before. Something seen in Liberty City.
Level required:
I am about to get Barcoded
Alive and speaking people
Level required:
I am about to get Barcoded
35 Minutes of somethin' somewhere
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I am about to get Barcoded
Custom cheats for the console GTAs are REAL!
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I am about to get Barcoded
Slon Converter Mind does its job in GTA 3!
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I am about to get Barcoded
SCM - Slon Converter Mind
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I am about to get Barcoded
'Project F' - Manual beta-version
It is on the paper!
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I am about to get Barcoded
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories — Beta Audio Files Analsys
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I am about to get Barcoded
Sindacco Chronicles - Android Trailer
Level required:
Barcode me!

Subscription levels

Barcode me!

$ 1,14 per month
We will mention you in the credits of our upcoming project.
Мы упомянем вас в титрах к будущему проекту.

I am about to get Barcoded

$ 2,28 per month
You'll get mentioned in mod credits. But also you'll start receiving exclusive content! Screenshots and text insides about upcoming projects.
Помимо упоминания в титрах, вы также можете получать инсайды с разработок.
+ chat


$ 9,1 per month
Early access versions of upcoming projects, insides from upcoming projects and mentioning in the credits.
Помимо упоминания в титрах, вы также можете получать инсайды с разработок, а также ранний доступ к релизам.
+ chat
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