Andrey Moss
Andrey Moss
14 subscribers
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If only they knew she had the power..

One of the most boring questions that can be asked in an interview, after the question about inspiration, is "what would you say to yourself if you went back in time?". And so, in my case, I would tell myself that you should not give up everything and start doing creative work right after school (as eventually happened), go and study to be a movie costume designer.. Perhaps then my creative career would have turned out quite differently and there would have been no brand called "Creative collaborator with the Devil". But despite the fact that this did not happen, fourteen years later I am working in exactly this concept and ideology, not just creating shoes and accessories, but telling stories with the help of artistic images, as if they were part of some movie. My latest eighth collection is no exception. I would like it to be something like the old American thrillers, full of primitive special effects and fake blood..

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