Andrey Moss
Andrey Moss
12 subscribers

Corsage.. Five women and my Collection no.6: Part I

As we approach the anniversary of my first collection, in reverse order I continue to talk about my work and what is behind my creations. This is the first part of a story about images and heroines that led me to create my Collection no.6 three years ago, dedicated to witchcraft, drugs and mourning..
This collection, floating in a cloud of laudanum, lives in the 19th century, with all the horror of reality inherent in that time and the sublimity of culture. But my goal was to transfer these images to the present century in order to see that little has changed in more than a hundred years. And the only thing that is invariably accurate, no matter what, is a woman as a source of art and creativity and, unfortunately, her position in society. But the amazing value of a female being - to turn even the simplest things into symbolic objects - became the basis of my work.
The recent release of Corsage made me take another look at my 2018 moodboard filled with Empress Elisabeth things. Then I did not attach due importance to either these images or this amazing personality, because I did not yet know where all this should take me. Now, three years later, I know exactly what place they occupy in my work and what all these symbols meant. It was that not very rare case when awareness comes much later, because the unconscious work always dominates.
So this first post about my Collection no.6 is a gallery of some of her personal things that still have an undeniable influence on me:
After more than three years since my Collection no.6 was released, I would like to thank Marie Kreutzer, the director of this film, who is now finally able to express my feelings, emotions and mood during the preparation and creation of the collection. Then, unlike my last works, I did not yet emphasize and did not study the heroines of my future works so deeply, but now I see that I did not make a single mistake, and after a while I would not want to change a single detail..
And at the end, of course, there will be a book recommendation:
to be continued..

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