Andrey Moss
Andrey Moss
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The Mirror of Simple Souls..

"Love is no destruction, but rather instruction, nourishment and sustenance for those who trust in it, for Love is repletion and the abyss and the fullness of the sea." - Marguerite Porete
My library is constantly replenished with books, because I draw all my inspiration from this source.. I don't buy new books, only vintage ones (unfortunately, modern publications have neither beauty nor soul). Therefore, every time it turns into a fascinating search.
Since all my recent collections are reflections of the history of France, it is not surprising that the vast majority of my library are French poets, novelists and provocateurs of the 19th century, philosophers of the 18th and playwrights of the 17th. But my last work, the eighth collection, opened for me an even more distant portal into the literature of the Middle Ages, full of naivety, high feelings, base insights and religious mysticism.
Having lightly touched these monuments of the dark ages, for my new project, I briefly return to the 18th century. To one preacher of absolute freedom, which was not limited by morality, religion, or law. But more on that later..

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