creator cover Andrey Moss

Andrey Moss

Photographer, Designer
Andrey Moss
1 400.67 of $ 5 081 money raised

About the creator

Russian independent designer and photographer Andrey Moss creates through a distinctive anatomical approach inspired by women, art, religion.. and explores the dark side of culture, employs a deft process of fabric analysis and personally sourced materials to create something entirely unique. His creations are a departure from any major fashion brand, rejecting beauty in the mainstream sense for something much more primal — a kind of second skin. Moss’s designs may seem macabre, but his exquisite relation of texture to form produces a beauty all its own. Through his creations, Moss reclaims damning constructions of woman to produce carefully crafted pieces that empower in the process. They are redolent of centuries past, yet their exceptional style makes them distinctly modern, they express the impermanence of the human experience through an artist's eyes..

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