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Incoming Painslayer update

Lots of bug fixes, lots of improvements. A bit of new mechanics too. Now Electro will actually interact with water sectors! Inspired by Quake's Lightning Gun, except it won't straight-up kill you. If you fire it while underwater, it'll damage everything in an area, including you. If you stand on the surface and fire the lightning into the water, it'll deal damage in an area around the point of impact. Getting it to work was kinda painful, but now it works, and the area of effect is properly clipped to the water sector and doesn't leak outside. I might need to update the visuals a bit, but I'm pretty proud of what I've done so far.
The other part is that I'm now heavily utilizing GZDoom's native particle system. Particles have been around since forever, but nowadays they're not limited to being just flat-colored circles/squares; you can also apply arbitrary textures to them. Practically all smoke and projectile trails in Painslayer will now be particles.
The difference? Performance! The impact is pretty noticeable—especially on top of moving floors. Just look at this: ~60 FPS dip with 6-8ms VM time before (left) vs stable 200 FPS and 0.6ms VM time now (right):
All of that and more in Painslayer 1.5.0. Stay tuned.

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