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Alice: Toys of Madness - new clips

Here's a bunch of clips of the things recently added to Alice: Toys of Madness:
New jumping physics:
* A nice camera dip at the start of the jump
* Your falling speed is reduced when you're falling down after a jump (as opposed to just stepping over a ledge). The logic here is to make jumping feel more like third-person platforming jumps, where the initial movement tends to be fast while the falling is slow. More changes will likely happen here, like increased aircontrol and reduced friction, but this is a start.
* Double jump! Similar to the one in Madness Returns.
* And, finally, proper jumping animation is now added.
New third-person movement
Since ZScript doesn't offer individual 3D-model bone control (at least, not yet), I cannot move the torso and the hips/legs individually, as opposed to how American McGee's Alice does it. But to make the movement a bit better, I'll now be turning the model towards its movement direction. This isn't ideal, and when you attack, the legs will stand still, unfortunately, but 
Both features are shown in this clip:
Power-up clock indicator
I had this idea for a while, and now it's finally real: power-up clock! This clock indicator shows the remaining time of your power-ups. A power-up icon is attached to each clockhand so that you can easily tell what is what.
The clip below demonstrates this with some dummy test power-ups (they don't have any effects):
Updated Mana pickup colors and sprites
They needed an update, and now it's here. The mana types have been renamed, rearranged and recolored. Now you'll have:
* Mischief Energy: orange mana, used for Playing Cards and Pepper Grinder
* Mettle Energy: green mana, used by Jacks and Teapot Cannon
* Malice Energy: purple mana, used by Jabberwock's Eye Staff and Blunderbuss
(The clip has a slight mistake in it with a few frames missing in the last actor, but they're fine in the game)
Alice: Creatures of Madness???
Finally, I decided to try my hand at exporting and implementing enemies. So far, I've managed one: the Club Card Guard. I'm pretty proud of the result:
Now, I'm NOT PROMISING a monster pack, but I'll say that it's not out of the realm of possibility. But if that happens, it'll likely function as a standalone monster pack, that could be loaded with or without the mod. We'll see!
Follow me on Twitter, if you haven't yet: https://twitter.com/iAgent_Ash I post clips a lot more frequently there ;)

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