34 подписчика
5 из 100 платных подписчиков
I will make the game I want. I'll put what I want into it. Believe in me and everything will work out.

I want to tell you a little in advance about the plans for the game. I will soon complete the full plot of the 1st world and after that I will add the "selection of already completed locations" to the game and will give you new levels every month that you can play without starting everything from scratch. PS "Soon" means in a couple of months, hehe.

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Уровни подписки

subscribe (low)

$ 4 в месяц
same like a 10$


$ 7,9 в месяц

parameter "Generosity" +15

$ 57 в месяц
exactly the same as the first subscription, but it makes me richer. For my work, time and strength.