обложка автора PVS


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I will make the game I want. I'll put what I want into it. Believe in me and everything will work out.

Об авторе

I am making a video game. I make animated cut scenes. I write music for the game. I want to do something really my own, by myself. This game has the basic idea that the 3 virtues "Unusual", "Harmony" and "Curiosity" are embodied in 3 characters that we have to play. Journey between realities and fight with bosses. And you will also find out how much these 3 virtues can change everything. There will be no nudity or sex in the game, the deviant theme of my work is reflected in ryona style.
hmm, perhaps this is not a link to the page, but just a download link, I’m not sure that i can create a full-fledged page there, but only upload paid content like on a file hosting service. Anyway, this should work I hope. We'll try it at the end of the month. As usual, I will publish everything on boosty, but also separately there, so that those who cannot watch here can download it from there.
P.S. I hope this solves the problem. I hate this fuss.
Sweet! Thank you for trying to help us out. Could we see the content we missed as well? It's been since early March
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Who Cares, I'll give it a try, it's just that the last time I was there I had to use a VPN so I'm not too sure about it
Well, first there’s an advertisement, then I’ll put text there and fix the sound for YouTube tomorrow. At the same time, tomorrow I’ll look at what’s happening with Boosty and think about what to do. And today I show you what I did.
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third scene
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there will be cat scenes of losing in the tournament, here's the first one
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episode 23 meeting of old friends
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damn guys. The voice acting is missing a few dialogues, they probably didn't notice. I’ll now ask them to finish it, and if they don’t send it to me today, then I’ll have to show the episode not today, but tomorrow. It's OK?
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Man... can I just PayPal you money directly and get access to everything I've missed? Lol I used to follow this development so closely
Who Cares, oh, I'm so busy with work that I still haven't looked at what the problem is and whether it will be solved. I will definitely solve this shit and come up with something, I just need to find the time for it. Don't worry bro, the content won't disappear. For now, I want to quickly make my plan before the 15th and then I hope to free myself a day to do this. After all, it's not that cool to have almost no subscribers, so it's in my interests too)
the process is going well, the series will be longer than usual. a few more days and I'll show you screenshots
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Finally some content for those of us that got screwed over by the PayPal thing lol. Love the environmental traps like the pelicans!
Who Cares, When I make a new series I'll see what I can do. It’s just that every time I barely fit in 2 weeks to show the video on time and I don’t have time to properly devote time to it LoudlyFace

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$ 4,1 в месяц
same like a 10$


$ 8,1 в месяц

parameter "Generosity" +15

$ 58 в месяц
exactly the same as the first subscription, but it makes me richer. For my work, time and strength.