creator cover Magomet Kochkarov

Magomet Kochkarov

BADCOM - a place where bad guys create good games
Magomet Kochkarov
356.97 of $ 1 090 money raised
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About the creator

My name is Magomet Kochkarov. I'm a game developer from Russia. In my spare time I develop code snippets that could be used with Conitec GameStudio A8 and share them with my subs in YouTube and GitHub. 
You can find me here:
Best regards!

Music player cutscene WIP

I wanted to share some progress on the menu system that I've been recently working on. This time, I've finished the cutscene for the music player! It's all WIP yet, but you can already see where it's heading! I'm supper happy with the results so far. What do you think? 
Best regards!

Character viewer menu WIP


As I've mentioned in my previous post. I'm currently working on a menu system which shows unlocked characters. This is very WIP sneak peek into how it looks like at the moment. Pls note, that the game engine I'm working on doesn't have automatical panel/text or TTF fonts rescaling when changing screen resolution, so I had to do all that myself. Overall it's been a quite challenging task and I don't put my hands down! 
Best regards!


I just wanted to wish happy new year to everyone! If you reading this, I wanted you to know, that I wish you all the best in this new year. I wish you good health, family well-being, success in all your work and most importantly a peaceful sky above your head.
This year, I'll try to be more active on the blog! I'm already working on a very interesting sub menu system, which has some fancy features like music player with spectrum visualisation and character viewer to show all unlocked characters in the game! 
My best regards!
My 2024 highlights
(thx to Hen Woll for making this video)

Silent hill like fog system

Hey folks!
Recently I've been working on a sprite based fog system. It's quite fast and I'm very happy with how I got things working!
I generate fixed amount of fog sprites at the random position within the seedbox, which can be moved with any given position (camera view, or any entity as shown on the video below). When a sprite goes out of the seedbox, I cycle it's position back on the opposite side of the seedbox and since sprites are faded out on distance, this is nearly seamless to the player. This also helps to optimise things a lot, since I don't constantly create/remove fog sprites.
Best regards!

Second player is connected !

Lately I've been busy working on another cutscene. This time it's a cutscene to reveal a second player! So far it was a great experience working on, and I'm really glad with how it's turning out to be. Keep in mind that this is still WIP and a lot of animation rework needs to be done. I'll try to keep on updating more often! 

Best regards!

Another month another cutscene

Hey guys!
This month I've been busy working on another cutscene for my sub. This is a character reveal cutscene where player get's to meet the this special character for the first time. As usually this cutscene was made using Conitec Game Studio A8 game engine with the help of Lite-C programming language. 
Best regards!

Moving platforms on chains

Hey !
Today I've finished an interesting task! I've worked on creating those cool moving platforms. Tricky part was that the whole thing consists of 5 different models which needed to me merged together to create this great looking platform. It's still WIP from the visual side, but the code for it is done. 
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Another cut scene done!

Hey guys!
For almost a month I've been working on a cut scene for my subscriber. You can see the early results on the linked video. I have to say that even if I hate working on such cut scenes, the end results are always extremely rewarding! Seeing things interact with eachother and becoming alive on the scene is just another level of enjoyment! 
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Moving in circles with collision detection

Recently my subscriber requested a very challenging movement code. He wanted to have a player controller that would move in circles but with collision detection. The challenging part is that collision detection provided by the game engine is linear! Means that player would always end up moving out of the circle...
After spending a night with this challenge, I came up with a tricky but nicely working solution! Instead of trying to move the player directly in circles, I move it towards the point on the circle!
This is how I did it (picture below):
* find 'angle' at which player is currently standing relative to the circle via atan2(y,x)
* from that 'angle' find position on the left and on the right of the player
* move player towards that position but only if we have input from player
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Water waves + splashing sound effects

Another day - another code snippet.
Today I've created some nice module that helps to add water waves with some nice splashing sound effects into my subscriber's project! It uses build in region system that comes with game studio to check if player's feet have entered the water.
It's a very simple effect, but it adds a lot to the over all atmosphere of the project.

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