Zuneku H Studio
Zuneku H Studio
109 subscribers

0.4 Update!

Hello everyone! We are nearly done with UI part! heres a small piece of *extra* art for you! (Removed tranparency and added some watermarks for obvious reason, might use as a decoration for loading screens or game menu in the future). Plus, we've been experimenting with android build! Here's the example of it running on my phone (865 snap) on High settings, 1280x720p resolution and with Motion blur + other Post Process effects on (Android build will be optimized in the future in order to run better on lower phones). TOUCH CONTROLS ARE TEMPORARILY AND WILL BE CHANGED/DECORATED!!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5SosvAs-5A - Android build showcase
Just reminding you all too - Date for the 0.4 update is 1st december (hopefully).0.4 PC build will be available for every tier starting for Contributor Tiers0.4 Android build will be available for Partner tiers & Exclusive tiersThey will become public after ~2 weeks so you could report some bugs & issues aswell!
Gonna make some extra streams for high tier patrons too to showcase 0.4 being done & finishedStay tuned! ❤️

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