52 subscribers
1 of 50 paid subscribers
I need some stable income per month so I can afford not to worry about paying my rent (I'm getting ready to move, need ~30000 rubles per month)
14 194.22 of $ 15 217 money raised
Global earnings to provide me with a comfortable life
377.85 of $ 356 money raised
I've been dreaming about a Nintendo Switch for a long time 'cause I want to play Animal Crossing, but I'm having a hard time getting funds to buy it..

Seductive persistence [Vore YCH]

Completed YCH for  ZendyBones
It's good to have a friend nearby who will push you to make decisions that you don't dare to say yourself...

Subscription levels


$ 2,03 per month
Small tier. You will get access to WIP works and my... Closed conversation posts? x)


$ 5,1 per month
Tier is older. In addition to everything from tier hatchling, you also get *SUBSCRIPTION TIER IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT*

Young wyrm

$ 8,2 per month
Even older tier. Contains everything from the tier serpent + *SUBSCRIPTION TIER IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT*


$ 15,3 per month
Almost the oldest tier. Contains everything from the tier young wyrm + *SUBSCRIPTION TIER IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT*
You also get a 5% discount on commisions


$ 51 per month
Tier for the most dedicated lovers of my work. It contains everything from the past tiers, and also *SUBSCRIPTION TIER IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT*
You also get a 15% discount on commisions
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