769 subscribers
117 of 300 paid subscribers
so I can confortably spend lots of time doing this

I'm leaving Boosty

Hello everyone,
As you may know, Boosty blocked Paypal a few months ago and that has resulted in unsuccessful subs and unreceived payments.
In my case, I havn't been receiving payments from you guys because my receiving payment method is via Paypal.
For those of you who've been subbed to me on Boosty for the past few months, I'm sorry to say that none of your money come to me.
So, in the coming months, I will be in the process of leaving Boosty.
With Ko-fi, hopefully it will be a much smoother transaction for those who use Paypal to sub to me.
So, I suggest that you cancel your current subscriptions and head on over to Ko-fi page.
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/yellowbea39

Subscription levels

Picture !

$ 3,3 per month
Your rewards:
- Access to content.
- You can request 1 Picture per month (up to 3 character).

Animation !

$ 12,9 per month
Your rewards:
- Access to content.
- You can request 1 animation per month (threesome or multi movement is for Weee! plan).

Weee !

$ 51 per month
Your rewards:
- Access to content.
- You can request 1 animation per month. Difference between above plan is, you can requesting more.
Like add Lines, or multi movement(2) or angle(2) (Sequenced) or Threesome,
or Comic (Multi Pic with story (up to 3 pages and 4 panels per page and 3character. and 3 distinctive posture (like BJ, Doggy, Missionary. ))). and you can Instruct once when Stage in the middle.
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