421 subscriber
29 of 100 paid subscribers
I'm forming a professional photo studio
1 283.13 of $ 1 134 money raised
I will be able to buy a professional light in my photo studio

Cold white tile

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My follower

Subscription levels

Keep in touch

$ 0,57 per month
for those who want to be aware

My follower

$ 3,4 per month
My friend - the one who is always ready to support me in my work and offer new ideas for their implementation in the frame. 

My subscriber and good friend

$ 11,4 per month
My good friend who supports my work. He can see all the kits and gives me new ideas. Online communication in my telegram and something else.

My awesome friend

$ 40 per month
Our awesome friend and patron of the arts, who gives us the opportunity to create. He gets all the sets first and participates in the creation of new images. Online communication in telegram and other pleasant things.  
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