обложка автора Kirsten


Photographer and lookmaker
31 из 100 платных подписчиков
I'm forming a professional photo studio
1 276.91 из $ 1 128 собрано
I will be able to buy a professional light in my photo studio

Об авторе

Repost and publish photos in the public domain
ONLY with the written permission of the author.
Dark theme_2024
Нужен уровень:
My subscriber and good friend
Dance of the Gray Moth at the open fire
Little is better, but without longing
Live like gray moths
And fly yourself low from the ground
Нужен уровень:
My awesome friend
coming soon: DARK THEME
We wander in the darkness, obedient to the star. We don’t find peace, ever, anywhere. And throwing stones into people's consciousness, We wa
Нужен уровень:
My follower
Portfolio: Мy fair lady
My fair lady goddess in the morning light
I catch these moments of love And I sing your praises my fair Lady
Above us a the stars and the wind
Нужен уровень:
My follower
Portfolio: street style
I'm on a horse today -
Happiness smiled at me:
I wear new jeans,
I look down on everyone
Нужен уровень:
My follower
Portfolio: red on red
Red on red The day is rising look how the night is retreating.
Red on red. Blood does not cake on the cross.
Red on red & the epilogue is love
Нужен уровень:
My follower
New Year's surprise
New Year's surprise for my friends. Аny complete set for half price and a New Year's card as a gift if you send me your mailing address.
Нужен уровень:
Keep in touch
wheat field. storm
I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.
Нужен уровень:
My awesome friend
to be continued...
Нужен уровень:
Keep in touch
summer evening
The summer evening is calm and clear;
Look how the willows sleep;
The western sky is pale red,
And the rivers sparkle with their twists and tur
Нужен уровень:
My follower

Уровни подписки

Keep in touch

$ 0,57 в месяц
for those who want to be aware

My follower

$ 3,4 в месяц
My friend - the one who is always ready to support me in my work and offer new ideas for their implementation in the frame. 

My subscriber and good friend

$ 11,3 в месяц
My good friend who supports my work. He can see all the kits and gives me new ideas. Online communication in my telegram and something else.

My awesome friend

$ 40 в месяц
Our awesome friend and patron of the arts, who gives us the opportunity to create. He gets all the sets first and participates in the creation of new images. Online communication in telegram and other pleasant things.  