Vyacheslav Maltsev
Vyacheslav Maltsev
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What scan do I need?

Every time a new codex is released, my inbox is flooded with messages like: “I have a readable scan of the codex! Do you need it?". And my most likely answer would be: "No."
First, let's define terms:
Scan - a file, most often in pdf format, containing an image of the pages of a book scanned using a stationary scanner.
Photocopy - is a set of files, most often in jpg format (but can also be in pdf), containing the contents of a book photographed using a camera or smartphone. It can also be screenshots from a youtube video with an overview of the codex. Sometimes such photocopies are erroneously referred to as "scans" simply because they are in pdf format.
And now the main thing - I work with scans. Only with scans. I can take a photocopy to work as a rare exception if the amount of work is small (1-2 pages) and a full-fledged scan does not appear for a long time (for example, a limited model’s datasheet).
How do I use scan?
1) If the scan does not have a text layer (you cannot select the text with the mouse), I will recognize the text using OCR technology.
2) I copy the recognized text and paste it into the database. Next, the text is checked for recognition errors, formatting is added, and hyperlinks are placed.
3) Often I cut out some pictures from a scan to create icons and design text on the site.
Why is a photocopy not suitable?
Photographed pages are crooked, blurry in places and difficult to recognize with OCR. Sometimes there are glare due to which the text is not physically visible. Yes, part of the text can be recognized, but the time and effort spent on correcting errors and manual input is unreasonably large. Even if the text is “readable”, it will have to be input manually, and this is an order of magnitude longer, it is fraught with errors, not to mention the strain on the eyes with my far from ideal vision.
For example, here is a perfectly readable block of text:
After recognizing the description of the unit, I will get the following text:
l(this unit contains between 3 and 4 models, it has Power R.,|„, * p,.,, Rating 30. Even) model ts equipped with, Kastelan phospLrblaswr WEAPON RANGE TYPE Sap —----- ----1_____7 3 10 3+ ^cendinecombustOf. Kast(f|an fjst
Comments are unnecessary here.
Appeal to benefactor photographers
If you are the first to have the codex in your hands and want to make a photocopy… Don't. I beg you, don’t do it! This will be a disservice to the entire community. Why scan a book, crumple it, waste time cutting images if there is already a readable “scan” out there? It may happen that apart from your LQ photocopy, nothing else will appear on the network. This means that there will be no such book on Wahapedia.
How to speed up the appearance of the codex?
People often offer me help by taking screenshots of the GW application, or by manually retyping the rules from a photocopy. Unfortunately this won't help. I need a scan of the paper version of a codex with page numbers in order to navigate through the official GW errata, as well as respond to complaints about errors on the site looking at the source.
So the answer to this question is one - no way. Just give me a scan and wait 2-3 weeks.
Well, you can also subscribe to Boosty =)

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Statistically, you will almost certainly die when assaulting a well-maintained fortress with a competent commander. You must strive to make your death useful.
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