Vyacheslav Maltsev
Vyacheslav Maltsev
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40k: FAQs, MFM 2023 Q1, Balance Dataslate

So? You thought, while Wahapedia is updating, while new points cost, FAQs, dataslates are being processed, you can relax? No zogging way! Go and update your rosters, now! 😃
As you probably already know, in a desperate attempt to save the balance, GW made a generous discount on space marines and CSM units. A number of upgrades became free. Dataslate, on the other hand, is trying with all his might to restrain the victorious tread of the Harlequins by cutting off their invul, and the method chosen for this is very controversial. But, my business is small - to upload all this disgrace to the site, which I did.
You are welcome to love and hate it. Enjoy!

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$ 1,02 per month
Statistically, you will almost certainly die when assaulting a well-maintained fortress with a competent commander. You must strive to make your death useful.
 - Training Manual
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$ 2,03 per month
Give me a gun, a google-eyed alien to shoot it at, and I’ll die a happy man.
 - 13th Penal Legion's Guardsman Franx
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$ 4,1 per month
Emperor protects! He wants me to kill more!
 - Kurt Vagner, 37th Cadian Assault Regiment
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$ 6,1 per month
Victory is achieved through mettle.
Glory is achieved through metal.
 - Uttica 1st Tank Company motto
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$ 8,2 per month
Who told you to die? Keep fighting!
 - Commissar Otto Xavier
+ chat


$ 10,2 per month
Brute force not work? It because you not use enough of it!
- Karg, Ogryn Bone'ead
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