5 подписчиков
363.15 из $ 1 699 собрано
Money that I'll mostly spend on utilities and food ♡

I have a Hipolink now

With how unstable Boosty has been with accepting payments from Paypal users, I decided to create a Hipolink account.
According to other fellow artists, this one seems to work fine. It also accepts Paypal which is a HUGE advantage to EasyStaff that can only accept card/Stripe payments.
Despite EasyStaff being the most stable payment service I've ever used after Paypal had left, it still somehow isn't nearly as popular as Boosty.
Hopefully, Hipolink will become a good alternative, since it can accept Paypal, too.
Pic unrelated, I'm just learning how to deal with segment dyed yarn :D

Уровни подписки

Hidden Layer (SFW)

$ 1,14 в месяц
Sneaky peeky (°ε°)
Overall, the best way to support me.
• General support
• Hi-res illustrations and Full HD animation videos
• Early access to non-commissioned work
• Sketches and WIPs