18 subscribers
3 of 23 paid subscribers
With 23 first tier subscribers I will be able to keep myself somewhat afloat! It's also my favorite number!
1 798.44 of $ 11 148 money raised
This is a way for you to support me with singular donations of your choice! The goal is an unreachable placeholder just to enable this function.

Happy New Year!

2022 was a very rough year no matter how you look at it.  But, I am still grateful that I went through it and even survived because I had help from so many wonderful people, all of you reading this included. It means so much to me that you went out of your way to save one admittedly not very promising life and I will always and forever will be grateful to you for letting me live and giving me hope that one day I will be safe and content.
Thank you so, so much and I hope 2023 (23 is my favorite number by the way!) brings all of us plenty of joy and even more strength to get through anything it throws at us. We know it will get bad, but we will get through anything. We know how to get up after a fall very, very well.

Subscription levels

Tier 1

$ 11,2 per month
First tier allows you to help me with baseline survival!
You gain my eternal gratitude.

Tier 2

$ 56 per month
Second tier allows you to support me with food for a week!
You gain my eternal gratitude.

Tier 3

$ 112 per month
Third tier allows you to pay my room rent for a month!
You gain my eternal gratitude.

Tier X

$ 335 per month
You are out of your mind and I love you.
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